Chapter 44 - Yoongi/Hoseok

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I traced shapes on Hoseoks chest as he works. For once he's on his computer instead of going over documents. Things are oddly calm around here. Usually they'd be off doing something, even though it may not seem like it, hoseok and I only get to do this a couple times a week since he is always away. I don't mind it though, I know his work requires it.

He rests his chin on my head and sighs. "Are you okay?" I ask curiously. He just grunts and rubs my back for a second. He must be stressed over work. I snuggle into his chest and place gentle kisses on his neck, to show him I'm here so he can relax a bit.

He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "I apologize for not spending as much time with you." he mutters. "Don't worry about it Hobi." I say with a smile. "You deserve better." he sighs and I look up into his eyes. "I don't want better. I want you." my brows furrow. "Please don't think like that Hoseok, you are literally the best thing that's happened to me." I lean up and peck his lips. He gives a very small smile and gets back to work.

*knock knock*

I look towards the door as Hoseok tells whoever it is to come in. It was Jin, he looked extremely worried. "Hey jinnie hyung, what's wrong?" I ask. "The police are at the door..." my eyes widen in fear. I can't leave, I won't! My grip tightens on Hoseoks shirt. I feel the tears start to form in my eyes. He softly pats my back as he stand up, still holding onto me. "Listen, I'm going to hide you ok? But I need you to stay there until I come get you." he mutters to me. "B-but Hobi..." I start but he places a soft kiss on my lips, shushing me. "Can you be good for daddy?" he whispers to me. I look into his eyes, worry. He's never been worried. "I'll be good for daddy..." I mutter and rest my head on his shoulder.

I notice Jin was just standing there, he looked confused and surprised but mainly worried about the current events.

Hoseok walks us over to a book shelf. Suddenly it opens and reveals a room. "Stay in here ok?" he says as he sets me down on a couch. "Ok Hobi." I whisper. He lifts my chin and connects our lips. "I will be back. Don't move." he says sternly. I nod my head. I get up, wrapping my arms around his waist. Just one more hug...

I let go and he pats my head. As he leaves he closes the opening, now I'm alone. I don't hear anything for a while. Maybe it's sound proof? But honestly who knows with Hoseok. I wonder if they're ok?
*Hoseoks pov*
"Alright, is everything taken care of?" I ask Jimin. "Yes boss, the basement has been covered, Yoongi's room has been wiped out clean. There is no evidence of him being here." I nod my head. I walk over to the door but stop. "Has my room... Been cleared as well?" I ask. Jimin looks at me confused. They still don't know. "I'll get on that." he says awkwardly and rushes up the stairs.

I take a breath before opening the door. "Gentlemen." I say with a smile. "We'd like to ask a few questions sir." I put on a curious face and tilt my head. "Of course, is something wrong?" I ask, clueless. "Missing persons case." one of them simply reply. I nod my head slowly. "Alright, would you like to come in?" I ask politely. The three men look at each other an nod. "Might as well." one sighs. "Follow me." I motion them to my living room. "Make yourselves at home." I say as I sit on a chair. "Mr..?" "Jung." I reply. "Mr. Jung, are you aware that a boy went missing some months back?" the middle one asks. "Hm.. I believe I remember that." I say. My acting is very believe able.

"Then did you know his father went missing not long after?" my eyes widen, "I was not aware." I reply. "Have you maybe seen him?" one asks. "Sir, not to be rude but I am a very busy man. I doubt I have." the men sigh and hand me a picture. "This is him." they say. I pick up the photo of my precious kitten. He looks so skinny and fragile. "When was this taken?" I ask with a frown. They all give me a curious look. "We arnt sure, but I'm guessing sometime this year before he vanished." I sigh and shake my head slightly. I can feel my blood boil but try to relax. "Why do you ask?" the bald one asks with a raised brow.

"Well, this photo looks like it was taken after disappearing, I say this because the boy looks like he hadn't eaten for weeks, and if you look closely he is covering up his skin with makeup." they snatch the photo back and examine it. "You have a point, but we know it's not. We found it in a frame in his closet." I nod my head slightly. "I see..." I whisper.

"Mr. Jung, are you sure you haven't seen him? Nor his father?" of course I have. "I'm positive." the men don't seem so sure, why are they so suspicious of me? "Mind if we take a look around." I raise my brows. "Be my guest." I say with a smirk. I lead them throughout the downstairs and we now make our way up the stairs. "This is an extra room, that's my office, my room." I say pointing at several different doors. "Here's my hyungs room. And some more extras." the boys look around, entering each room at a time. I get slightly nervous as they make their way into my office. Usually I'm never scared, but my baby is in there.

"A nice collection of books you got here." one mentions. I nod and sigh, "yes, but please don't touch, they're collectors." I say cautiously as the man was about to pull out a book. The book, the one that opened the secret door. "My apologies Mr. Jung." I brush it off as they discuss.

Shit. "What was that?" one asks. I wipe my nose, "sorry, excuse me." I chuckle. Dammit Yoongi, why did you sneeze so loud? They eye me up and down. One of the officers walks back over the shelf. He starts taking out books and dropping them on the floor. "Excuse me, what the fuck are you doing?" I ask, a bit irritated. "We have suspicion that you are hiding something behind this shelf Mr. Jung." I glare at them. "What evidence?" I ask. "These books aren't even real books for one. And small noises keep coming from behind this wall." I sigh and mentally slap myself. Ah alright, I guess it's the hard way. I always keep a spare gun in a hidden draw just for this reason.

But... Three guns against one? Hm maybe I should call in the others. I walk over to my desk and watch as they removed book after book. I pressed a button, hidden beneath the surface. In a few seconds my men would be fully armed and ready.

I watch as they pull out the book to open the shelf. If they dare lay a finger on him I will not hesitate to shoot.

"Ok ok, you got me." I sigh with a chuckle. They turn around slowly and gaze at me. I walk closer but one pulls a gun on me. "Aish, I wouldn't do that if I were you." I say, I can tell they are intimidated. I put my hands up as I walk into the now revealed room. "Hey baby." I say as I pick Yoongi up. He watches with wide eyes. "Guns down." I demand. "Not until you hand the boy over." I sigh with a low chuckle. Yoongi whimpers when they demand for him, he doesn't want to leave.

"I said, put the guns down. You are scaring him." I say with a dominant demeanor. They look at each other and nod. Slowly putting the guns down. I doubt those are their only ones but I want the show to be interesting.

"Are you okay kitten? Was I gone for too long?" I ask concerned. The males look at us in disgust and confusion. "I-im fine Hobi-ah..." he mutters to me. I place a kiss on his temple and take us to sit down in my chair. He cuddles into my chest.

"What the hell is going on?" one asks. "What ever do you mean?" I ask with a smirk. "You fucking kidnapped him!" the other shouts. I clench my jaw and look at each of them, individually. "Technically, one of my men did it." I point out. "Fucking disgusting!" just as I was bout to defend us, my men came in, fully armed. "I suggest you shut the fuck up before I blow your heads off!" I say getting angry. "Hoseok, calm down..." I look down and sigh. He's right, I need to calm down.

As I look back up smoke is being released throughout the room. "What the hell??" I hear Taehyung mutter. Smoke bombs. Smart. I hold Yoongi close as I stand up and carefully walk out the door. "You alr-" I start to feel a bit dizzy. "Woah." he mutters. Next thing I know I'm leaning against a wall for support, "Yoongi, I need you to hide." I say as I slide down the wall, it wasn't a smoke bomb... It was sleeping gas!

"But-" I lazily kiss his soft lips. "Run Kitten." he looks at me for a second before getting up and almost falling. Stay strong baby, Hoseokie will be with you soon.

Please hide well.

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