Chapter 18 - Yoon

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Jin just left me alone. With a full plate of pasta and no one to feed it to me. Hoseok would be mad if I used my hands.

I get up and go to his office, the last resort. I kick the door lightly since I can't knock. "Who is it?" he says un-amused. "Yoongi!" I say a bit loudly so he can hear me. "What?" he says with no emotion as he opens the door. "Well, Jin hyung had an emergency call and left me alone." he doesn't really seem to care much.

"This is my problem?" he asks not caring at all. "I can't eat my pasta. You won't let me use my hands." I sigh and look away, regretting bothering him. "Fine." he sighs annoyed. My ears perk up and I watch as he closes his door and heads for the stairs. "Are you coming?" he mumbles. I smile and catch up.
It took us thirty whole minutes. Mainly because I refused to take another bite unless he took one as well. I've only been here for a week but I know for a fact he never eats lunch. Today for dinner it was either do it yourself or don't eat, me being the only exception. Knowing his eating habits I'd say he hasn't ate.
"Yoongi I swear to God if you do not eat this fucking bite of pasta!" he snaps at me. I only look at him. "I told you already. I'm not eating until you take a bite." I say as I turn my head with an mph. I know I'm making him mad but honestly he needs to eat. "For fucks sake." I watch as he slips the fork in his mouth... My fork. "Are you happy?" he asks.

"Very." I say cheerfully. I gladly accept the next bite. Then he tires to feed me again. Which I refuse. I can tell he's getting more pissed at me. "Eat it." I demand. "You are not gonna give up are you?" He asks. I shake my head no. He sighs in defeat.

Eventually he gets used to giving me a bite then himself one, knowing I'll throw a fit if he doesn't. I didn't want it to be that way but what choice do I have?
Now I'm just watching TV in Hoseoks office while he works. I didn't want to sit around alone so I followed him up here. Although the show is quite interesting I have to take a second to admire this room. It's all black with few white decorations. There is one wall that is just a window. It's such a nice view. But now it makes me wonder.

"Hoseok where am I?" I ask. He looks at me in confusion. "My office." he says grumply. "I know that but I mean the location. I don't recognize the scenery." I motion my arm out at the window. "It's safer for all of us if you didn't know." although I am curious I know he's right.

It's much safer if I don't know.

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