Chapter 24 - Hoseok

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"Taehyung. Jungkook." I speak lowly as I look at my faithful men. "I have a new mission for you." I hold my hand up, signalling for them to be silent. "We will hold back on getting my documents for the time being. Right now I need you to locate Min HanSeo. But do not hurt him in anyway." as unusual as that sounds I have my reasons. I received weird expressions.

"I want his death to be slow and painful. Now I can't have that if he is already hurt, it's no fun. Which means you can't kill him, no matter what." they nod in understanding. I dismiss them and walk back into my office. I stop in my tracks when I see Yoongi messing with my computer.

I quickly spin the chair towards me and place both hands on the arm rests, trapping him. "What do you think you are doing?" I ask sternly. Which fails to intimidate him. "Playing online games." he says as his lips form a straight line. "Unacceptable." I sigh and pick him up. "I have had enough of you." I mumble as I lock him in his room.

He did not fight back. He simply went to his bed and sat there with the same expression. How annoying. I click off the website he was on and run an anti virus system as well as a few others to make sure we are secure. Thankfully we are.

"Now for my documents." I think to myself as I pull them out of the drawer. I get half way into one before I lose interest. That is quite weird, I always finish my job. Whether I like it or not. I look around, something is missing, but what is it?

Or is it... someone?

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