Chapter 17 - Jin

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"You could have broke a stitch." I walk into the kitchen and admire the scene in front of me. Hoseok being worried is something you'd never see until now.

"See Jin is right here." I snap back into reality and throw my hands up slightly. "I just got done working, do not bring me into your lovers quarrel." I snicker, catching both of their attention. "Anyways what's wrong hun?" I ask Yoongi. "I'm hungry but Hoseok won't let me touch anything." I smile at the cute pout forming on his lower lip.

"Sounds like me and Joon." I sigh to myself. "Ok then! What does my precious baby want to eat?" I ask. Don't think I didn't notice the way Hoseok jerked his head towards me. "I can feel your glare Hoseok. It's not gonna kill me." he mumbles some words I can't hear as he walks out.

"What was that about hyung?" Yoongi asks. "Nothing important, do you like pasta?" I change the subject. Although I find them cute, yoongi can't know about this. Hoseok needs to figure it out himself.
After I make Yoongis food I get a call. "Jin Sir, there's an emergency in line 13." one of my workers says all panicky over the phone. "What happened?" the line cuts. That's very strange. I'll need to get Taehyung and Jungkook for this one. "Yoongi I have to go. It's an emergency." I say as I rush out.

I hope he will be ok.

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