Chapter 35 - 3rd pov

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"Follow me." the male mumbles. "Where are we going?" a curious yet sleepy Yoongi asks. Hoseok didn't reply, he just kept walking. Yoongi dragged along but he was tired from watching the movie. "Come." hoseok sighed as he reached his arms out. Yoongi lazily accepted and allowed himself to be picked up.

Hoseok carried him into an elevator. "I don't remember this being here." Yoongi muttered to himself. Hoseok, ignoring it, pressed a button, leading to the highest floor in the mansion.

Yoongi felt a gust of wind. He opened his eyes and looked at the night sky. They were outside.

He suddenly felt wide awake. He wasn't one to like the outside, but he missed the nights where he could look out a window and stare at the stars.

Hoseok lead them to a balcony and placed the younger down. He watched as the boy ran over to the railing and admired the dark sky which was lit by several stars and a full moon.

The boys stared in awe. He really did miss the night skies. "I-it's so... Mesmerizing." he sighed out. "It is, isn't it." Hoseok says as he stands next to yoongi. "But..." he starts. "I thought I wasn't allowed outside?" Yoongi turns to look at Hoseok, breaking eye contact with the stars.

"Indeed I did, but it is your birthday." yoongi felt strings pull in is heart. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. To me a birthday is just another day, so I don't understand it." the taller admited.

Yoongi knew what he meant. He once felt that way. "Hoseokie..." he whispered. "Hm?" Yoongi looked down as he spoke, "this is the first time... I've celebrated my birthday." Hoseoks eyes widened slightly.

"Your parents never celebrated?" he asks. "No, they never even said happy birthday. I'd ask to celebrate sometimes but they would ignore me." he turned around so Hoseok wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall. But it was too late, Hoseok heard the quiet sobs from the boy.

Gently, he wrapped his arms around the shorter, in a comforting embrace. "Don't cry, it's your birthday." he mumbled. Yoongi leaned against Hoseok, which made him feel better. He was thankful for the male. Although he had been kidnapped, he has also never been treated so kindly.

Hoseok turned yoongi around to face him. "Let's wipe those tears away." he took his thumb and softly placed it on Yoongis cheek, wiping his tears away. Yoongi however, kept his head down. He was feeling overwhelmed by emotions. He was sad yet happy, excited yet nervous, and mostly, he felt abandoned yet loved.

Hoseok sighed as he placed two fingers under the males chin, lifting his head up. Yoongi looked up into the man's dark eyes, something quite frightening. But to him, those eyes were the only thing he trusted.

Yoongi couldn't speak, although he tried he couldn't. All he could feel was hot breath threateningly close, sending chills down his spine. He closed his eyes, ready for whatever was to come.

Hoseok had leaned in, nearly making their lips touch. He wanted to desperately remove the little gap between them. Yet, he also knew that if he did, he'd be putting yoongi and himself in danger.

Yoongi opened his eyes as cold air filled the gap. Hoseok was gone. Yoongi looked around, spotting the male walking away. He wanted to go after him but his legs wouldn't budge. So he stood there, mouth slightly parted and puffy eyes. He wanted to cry, he hadn't known why.

He noticed how Hoseok was no longer there. He didn't know when, or why, but he was crying once more. He fell to his knees and curled into a ball. Although the nights wind was chilly he didn't mind. It made him feel something, and he was glad it did.

That meant he wasn't dead.

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