Chapter 52 - 3rd pov

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The woman printed several bruises on the boys body. Hit after hit, kick after kick, burn after burn. He was miserable, after all that time he spent healing and getting healthy again just to have it destroyed. He was devastated but she did not care, not at all. She just wanted to put him through pain, more pain than ever.

All throughout the room you could hear the whimpers and slight screams come from his mouth, he tried his best not to make much noise, knowing she hated when he screamed. She believed he didn't have the right too, that he deserved it all. But in reality, what did they young male even do to her?

"It's a boy!" the nurse says. She hands the women her newborn child with a smile. She grunts but takes him anyways. "Thanks..." she mutters. "What shall his name be?" his mother hadn't prepared a name, she hadn't even prepared for the child himself. "Min Yoongi." the grandmother chimes in. "He will take my last name and his grandpa's first." the nurse nods and has the certificate filled out.

After a bit they were able to leave. "Now I know you didn't want him, but that doesn't mean you can't love him! I mean look at this cutie, I already love him." she tells her ignorant daughter. "I don't care! I hate him. He ruined my life!" her mother gasped. "Don't you dare say those things!" luckily the grandmother had the child in her arms, afraid her daughter might do something terrible to him.

Although she hated him, she tried to take care of him, along with the father. They were a young couple who recently wedded. They tried but didn't care much. Yoongi's grandmother was the only one who cared for the poor child.

His mother was a model in training, after her company found out about the pregnancy she was kicked out. She blamed her child for ruining her life and all the riches she could've gained by being a model.

His father wasn't a CEO at the time, he was working in the CEO's close circle, so it's not as if they were poor. They had money, enough to get by and some for spending. Once Yoongi turned 7 his father mysteriously became CEO and instead of celebrating his birthday, they celebrated his father.

When he was around 10, they decided he was old enough to be severely punished for his actions. Before all the abuse his punishments were one hit to the face or a whooping. But after that he was served with starving, burning, severe hits, whips, and more.

All of this and for what? Because he was born? It wasn't his fault, his parents are to blame. They had sex. They didn't use protection. They were the blame. Not him. Not a small child who didn't know what he did so bad to deserve the pain he has to go through. A poor boy who could barely tie his shoes was being hit at the age of 5.
"Worthless child!" she yelled as she whipped his back once more, at this point his back was badly injured, covered in blood. He most likely needed stitches, but he'd rather bleed out than try and survive this hell. After a whole week of this he had given up all hope. Hoseok wasn't coming for him. Jin probably forgot about him and everyone else didn't matter anymore. "Enough! Before he bleeds to death." says the male.

The only reason he's survived is because the male stops his mother before she can kill him. He has been given a piece of bread and half a glass of water every couple days. Yoongi loses weight faster than he gains it. It took all those months with Hoseok just for him to gain around 15 pounds, which for him, barely marks the point of healthy weight. Just in this past couple weeks he's lost 13 pounds. I wasn't lying when I said he loses weight fast.

He's so bloody and bruised that he's hardly recognizable. All the blood is matted in his hair and stained his closed, he hasn't even got to shower or bathe. This is the most he's ever gone through. Now this, this is what kidnapping is. What Hoseok did was take him from an abusive life and give him a new home. But all that is ruined, he knew he was going to die. So he waited, waited for his time to come.

"Let me die"

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