Chapter 57 - Hoseok

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"Hey Yoongi... I miss you, a lot. I know you probably can't hear me but I hope you do. I just wanted to say Happy new years..." I hold his hand and squeeze it slightly, knowing he won't squeeze back. "I brought you a gift." I reach into my pocket and pull out a flat box. "I got you a couple hair clips. I know it not much but one has a duck and the other a cat. It reminded me of you." I place the box with the rest of the gifts I've brought throughout the months.

"I'll be back tomorrow..." I mutter to him as I place a gentle kiss on his temple. I sigh and exit the room.

Wake up... Please.

A/n hai luvs! I just wanted to explain bit of the time jump. So Yoongi arrived two months before his birthday so we will say in January. Then the following month he and Hoseok had some difficulties, which led to the "makeup" sex. And at the end of the month is when he was kidnapped... Again-end of June-

The middle of July is when they get Yoongi back. Since he is in the coma, it has been about 4 more months.

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