Chapter 41 - Yoongi

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"Shit." I wake up and everything aches. Especially my ass, God damn my ass hurts the worse. I groan as I roll onto my stomach, getting as much pressure away from my butt as I can. That's when I realize hoseok is gone. I start to get worried that last night was just a simple fuck for him. But I look over and see a note.

"I had to leave, be back soon. Take the medicine. Wait for me to get back, don't try getting up. - Your Hoseokie."

Relief washes over me. Thank Lord, I was about to get emotional. Although, I can't believe he wrote 'Hoseokie' especially, 'Your Hoseokie' that's so cute.

I don't hesitate when I grab the medicine and swallow two pills. I go back on my stomach and try and sleep it off until he comes back, heck for all I know he could've just walked out of that door two minutes ago.
I open my eyes and look around. Hm, I guess I did fall asleep. But this time I wasn't alone, hoseok was sitting in bed next to me with his laptop. I smile softly at the sight, he always looks so concentrated when he works.

He catches my gaze and closes his laptop. "Here." he said as he handed me a dark red silky pillow, it was thick an looked very comfy. "It's for when you sit down." I grab the pillow and examine it. "Is he this nice to everyone after sex?" I think to myself, I know that can't be true but my mind can't help but to doubt him. I push those thoughts away and thank him for his kindness.

"Are you hungry?" he asks. I nod my head, then he gets up. "Breakfast in bed?" although that sounds good, I'd rather eat with everyone else. "Actually, c-can we eat with everyone?" he doesn't change his expression but nods. I do my best to get out of bed but once I stand I fall to my knees. A sharp pain ringed throughout my lower half.

Hoseok rushes over and picks me up. "Are you sure you want to go down stairs?" he asks with a raised brow. I nod, not wanting the others to be suspicious. Wait, the others...

"Hoseok-" I quickly say. My face starts to turn red. "What if they... Heard us?" he chuckles lowly and tells me not to worry about it. "My room is sound proof, all those pretty noises you make are for me and only me." he says, muttering the last bit into my ear. I push him away and feel the temperature rise.

"Don't do that! I'm not trying to be in more pain..." I mumble. He smirks as he opens the door. I hold my pillow close as we enter the dining room. Luckily it's just us. Hoseok takes my pillow and sets it in my seat. He sets me down and helps me to sit so I don't fall again. Thankfully this pillow is extremely comfortable and I can't feel too much pain.

Soon enough Jin walks out in his pajamas with a bowl of cereal. He stops in his tracks and stares at us, spoon in mouth. He quickly puts his bowl down and rushes back into the kitchen. "Sorry about that, I didn't think anyone was eating today..." he chuckles. "Why wouldn't we?" I ask curiously. "Well it's past 10 and no one usually eats past nine." he says as he hands us our bowls.

I mouth an 'oh' and pick my spoon up, going straight for my first bite. It doesn't matter what type of food it is, Jin hyung always makes it taste 20x better than anyone.

I look over and acknowledge hoseok, he's staring at his food and not eating. "Why- arnf chu eafing?" I ask as I shove another bite of food in my mouth. "Not hungry." he lies. I know that's a lie because I'm starving after last night. "Lies, after las-" I caugh a few times and stop my sentence. "I-i mean, you didn't eat... Last night." I stutter out.

"Yes I did." he says with a smirk as he meets my gaze. Who knew he could be this playful? I blink a few times as my face goes red. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Jin intently staring at us. "When?" he asks, "you didn't come to dinner."

Hoseok puts his gaze back to the wall in front of him. "Late at night." he says with no emotion. I go back to eating cereal and try not to make eye contact with Jin.

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