Chapter 29 - Yoongi

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I scoot back into bed as Hoseok walks in. I wasn't prepared to talk to him. "How are your hands?" he asks with no emotion. "All h-healed." I stutter as I look away. He nods and leaves. "Is he not going to apologize? Should I bring it up? No. He needs to apologize." I think to myself with a Huff.

I get dressed in an oversized sweater, showing off my legs. I slide some shorts on which are not noticeable. I wonder downstairs for breakfast, taking my usual seat. I notice Hoseok isn't here. Go figure.

"Yoongi what's wrong?" Jin asks as he sets my plate down. "He isn't here." I fiddle with my fork. "Then why don't you go check on him?" he says with wiggly eye brows. "No." I refuse. He questions me. "I'm waiting for an apology." Jin mouths an oh. That's when Namjoon walks in. "Hey babe!" Jin runs over to Namjoon and hugs him. "They're so cute."

"Did I hear something about Mr. You know who?" he whispers to Jin. "Yoongi is waiting for an apology." his face goes blank. "He isn't gonna apologize." he deadpans. "And why not?" Jin asks, a little upset. "Well," he scratches the back of his neck. "He doesn't exactly know Yoongi heard him."

I slouch in my seat. "That's even worse!" I exclaim. "How so?" Namjoon questions. "Because that means he was talking behind my back!" I feel tears dust the brim of my eyes. "Who was talking behind your back?" I shoot my head at the door and my mouth opens slightly. "H-hoseok-" he looks around the room as his eyes land on me once more.

"Who?" he asks angrily. I blink a few times trying to figure out what to say. "Hoseok he heard what you said last night." Namjoon chimes in. Hoseoks eyes widen as he opens his mouth slightly but no words spill out. I jump off my chair and rush out of the kitchen. I walk to the stairs quickly with blurred vision.

Ah, I fall back on my ass, I ran into someone. I scramble to my feet as the person gets closer. I back up and hit a wall. "How did a cute little boy like you get in here?" I wipe my eyes only to see an unfamiliar face. The male placed his thumb on my cheek I can't manage a word as I start to feel the beginning of a panic attack creeping up my spine.

"P-please don't..." I manage out. I get trapped as his other arm traps me. I close my eyes tightly. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Him." a voice says through gritted teeth. My eyes shoot open at the familiarity.

The male in front of me stays still with a smirk. "Boss, don't you think he's a bit young? I could may-" before the male could finish he had gotten cut off. "I said, Do. Not. Touch. Him!" anger laced his voice. And before I knew it the man in front of me had a gun pointed at his head.

I stood in shock, not knowing what to do. "Yoongi. Here." he said sternly and pointed beside him. I hesitantly obeyed. He pushed me behind him and told me to cover my ears. I did as told.

A second later and my ears were ringing like crazy. I force my eyes open and peak from behind. The male who had stood before me was now lifeless on the floor. Hoseok had shot him.

I scream and cover my mouth. I stand there in shock and don't realize the sudden warmth I was receiving. The reality came rushing all at once. Hoseok had wrapped me in his arms...

"Don't worry." he whispered to me. "No one will ever hurt you." he mumbled. I burry my head into his chest as tears start to stream down my face. "I-im sorry Hoseok, I'm really sorry!" I knew I hadn't needed to apologize. "Don't." he deadpaned. I get picked up bridal style and carried to my room. "You should sleep that off." he sighs. I nod and try to lay down.
A loud screech makes its way out of my throat. I sat up in my bed instantly and began to cry. Hoseok busted through my door with a gun and repeatedly asked what was wrong. I reached for Hoseok as I sobbed. He rushed over, setting the gun on the bedside table.

"Yoongi? Whats wrong?" he asked once more. "I-i keep s-seeing it!" I sobbed. Everytime I closed my eyes I see the dead man being shot. Once I had fallen asleep I was stuck in a horrid nightmare of gruesomeness.

He didn't say a word as I was placed into his lap. "Shh shh, it's ok. Hoseok is here." I immediately relaxed at his soothing voice. "H-hoseokie" I mumbled. "Hm?" I snuggle into him and burry my face so it's not seen. "P-please don't leave me... I-im s-scared." I admit. He grumbles a bit but agrees.

"T-thank you... Hoseokie..." I say as we cuddle up in my bed. "Mhm." he mumbled. As quick as I awoke, I fell back into a slumber.

A peaceful one might I add.

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