Chapter 40 - 3rd pov

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Hoseok hangs his head low and smirks. He never thought Yoongi could like someone like him. Nor does he know why.

Yoongi, being short, notices his smirk. He always thought that damn smirk was attractive. "Hoseok..." he mumbles. "Do you actually-" his face heats up immediately.

Hoseok smashed his lips onto Yoongi's. It took a second for him to respond, but he did. His wide eyes fluttered shut. Surprisingly to Yoongi, Hoseoks pretty heart shaped lips were so very soft yet, rough do to the intensity.

Their lungs started to burn do to the lack of oxygen, turning Yoongi on. He was a virgin and never experienced anything like this. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he liked it.

As they parted Yoongi was trying to wrap his head around his feelings. "Wh-why do I feel like th-this?" he stutters out, genuinely concerned about his health. "Hm?" Hoseok breathly says. "I feel weird but i-in a good way..." he mumbles.

Yoongi looked down in embarrassment only for his lower region to catch his eye. "Hoseok, wh-whats wrong with me?" he says eyes widening.

Hoseok follows Yoongi's gaze down to his pelvic area. He knew what was 'wrong' with the younger male and smirked. "Oh Yoongi, there's nothing wrong with you." Hoseok whispered right in his ear, sending tingles down Yoongi's spine.

"There's not?" he shakes his head no and places a kiss on top of the youngers head. "H-hoseok... Yours is doing it too." hoseok looks down in confusion. He chuckles a bit at himself as he lifts Yoongi's head up and kisses him once more.

It's a soft kiss, but if we know anything by now it's that Hoseok doesn't do, 'soft'. He bites Yoongi's bottom lip, making the younger gasp. He takes that opportunity and shoves his tongue in his mouth.

Yoongi goes along with the older, not sure what to do. He let's hoseok guide them as their tongues dance together. Once Hoseok pulls away a string of saliva follows, falling onto Yoongi's chin.

Hoseok wastes no time as he unpins Yoongi and picks him up, rushing them to the nearest room, which just so happen to be Hoseoks bedroom.

He locks the door and places Yoongi on the bed, crawling on top of him. "Once I've started I don't stop." he mutters lowly. Yoongi can feel the excitement course through his veins, God he loved it when Hoseok did that. "Good." he whispers. Hoseok smirks with a sigh, he was ready to destroy the male.

He lowered himself and started kissing down Yoongi's neck, leaving hickies here and there. Yoongi on the other hand kept letting out small gasps, as he's never done this before. "Ahh~" he covers his mouth in embarrassment.

Hoseok had found his sweet spot.

Hoseok reached up and removed his hand. "Don't." he warned. Yoongi didn't realize how disobeying Hoseok would end...

He went back down and messed with his sensitive neck for a little longer before deciding to move on. He reached for Yoongi's shirt before a "no" was heard. He looked over at Yoongi, who was facing away with tears forming in his feline eyes.

"You shouldn't have to look at my scars." he mumbles. "I've already seen them." hoseok deadpans. "That was for other reasons... I didn't think we'd...well, you know..." he trailed off and started to feel insecure all over again.

"I think you're beautiful, you and every scar on you is perfect." Yoongi had always heard the opposite of those words. "Disgusting." "ugly." "freak." "disappointment." these were the words that haunted him everyday.

Hoseok carefully removed Yoongi's shirt, revealing every scar that had been made. Delicately, he placed a kiss on every scar. "I never lie." he mutters. Yoongi can feel his heart swell as tears flow. He was so grateful for the male.

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