Chapter 12 - Yoon

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There's a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout. It's Jin, "Hey, here's all of your new clothes!" he says excitedly. "Now, if you are as happy as I am, I'll leave you be so you can try them babies on!" I run up to him and give him a hug. I thank him.

Once he leaves I look through them. I decide on a lace white bra and bottom with leather straps that loop around my thighs. It was see through in some places do to the lace.

After finally changing I put on music. I look at myself in my mirror and holy shit do I look good! "Jin, you are amazing." I whisper to myself.

I take my hands and feel the curves of my body. I just admire myself for the longest time. I have not gotten to feel this way in a long time. I finally feel happy about myself. About me.

Although I probably should change before they get back. I walk over and turn off my music. "I brought you your... Things..." I quickly turn around and see Hoseok standing there. He looked shocked. I grab my blanket from the bad and wrap myself up. "I'll be in my office..." he says slowly and walks out.

My face was bright red and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I can't believe he saw me in this! How am I gonna explain that...

Not the point. He has my things, which means I'll have to go get them. I take a few minutes to recollect myself. I sort through the clothes Jin made me and picked out a black skirt with a thigh slit and a dark red turtle neck sweater. As well as black thigh high socks to top it off.

I make my way to his office slowly and take a deep breath. I knock on the door and wait for him to open it. Instead I hear a mumbled "come in." My hands are shaking as I turn the knob. I crack the door open and pop my head in. He's staring at the wall in front of him, not noticing it was me.

I fully walk in and close the door behind me. I stand there awkwardly. I notice my things beside him and see the sparkling bracelet I've missed so much. I don't even care about what just happened anymore, he found my bracelet.

"You found it." I whisper. He shoots his head towards me and stands up,not saying a word. I look at my things and my bracelet. I'm so happy he found it! I walk over to his desk and slip it on. How I've missed the feeling of it on my wrist.

I stand there for a few seconds not sure what to say. He stands there quietly as he looks at my outfit. I start to feel embarrassed once again.

I grab the rest of my things, including my photo and walk to my room. Of course I'm highly embarrassed and most likely will be tomorrow. But I'm just glad to have my things.

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