Chapter 3 - Yoon

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I stare at the board in my classroom. I'm actually very smart and good at math. I'm in all the honor classes. But no I am not popular, most people ignore me. A lot of them don't even know I exist, and I'm happy like that. I don't want attention brought upon me. So I'm thankful my teachers understand and don't pick on me. I've already finished all my assignments for the day so I'm waiting anxiously for the bell.

I feel as if it rang to early today as I look at the clock hung above the door. On my way out I turn in my paper. I notice I'm the only one who has.

I've already got everything I need so I skip going to my locker and just head out of school, hopefully I will have time to see the ducks and be home on time. Just as long as I don't get distracted.

"Excuse me?" I turn my head and see a black car park beside me. "Can I help you?" I ask politely. "Ah yes, I seem to be lost. Would you be kind enough to tell me where Springs Park is?" the male says. "Oh, it's down the street then turn right twice."I say off memory. That's the park I go to everyday.

"Thank you kindly." he says. I smile as he drives off. I didn't recognize the male. Maybe some new people moved to town? Anyways, I don't think I'll have time to stop by anymore.

But at least I was home early. "I am home." I say. My father walks past me with a frown, as well as my mother. Then she smirks. "We are out of eggs. Go to the store and get some." I stare at her and sigh. "Yes mother." I say, walking back out the door. I know I only have 30 minutes before I'm considered late. And since it takes ten minutes to and from, I've got to hurry.

I walk in and look at the long lines. I've got no time to waste. I hurry to the eggs and pick out the correct ones.

I scan the lines and walk to the shortest one. Although it was short it took me fifteen minutes in there and now I have to run without breaking anything. So I began my run home.

I rush through the door, out of breath. "You're late!" my father shousts with a smirk. I am? I look at the clock and see I'm only a minute late. My mother walks up and snatches the eggs from me. "You broke one!" she shrieks. My father stomps over and slaps me. "How dare you be so reckless!" he takes he belt off and tell me to turn. I do as told.

I feel my shirt being lifted up. After a couple seconds a sharp pain lands on the middle of my back. I ball my hands into fists and bite my lip to keep from crying. My back was still raw from yesterday's beating after I dropped a plate.

He hits me again and again until I'm bleeding. Once he stops he tells at me to go get cleaned up.

I enter my bathroom and start the shower. I take a warm shower and carefully tend to my wounds. After my shower I look into a mirror only to notice a cut on my cheek where he hit me. He must of used his left hand, his wedding hand. I only put a bandaid on and hope for the best.

Sometimes I wonder why they do this to me. But it is my fault I can't ever follow the simple rules. I wish I could run away, then there would be none. Or maybe kidnapped? I would be okay with it, as long as I'm not here anymore I would be fine. They could hit me, but it's not anything I couldn't handle. I've had worse punishments. I've gone without eating for a week, so they could try and starve me. I'd be fine though.

I can't wait till I move out, I turn 18 in a couple months. I've had to deal with 10 years of abuse, a couple more months won't kill me... Hopefully.

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