Chapter 4 - Yoon

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I admire the ducks as I tear the bread and throw it in the pond. They have all the freedom they want. Plus they all care for each other in one big group. I'm an only child so I don't have anyone else. I'm glad it's that way, I wouldn't want them to go through what I have to go through everyday.

It's night time actually, I'm supposed to be on my way home from the store again but this time I decided to take a break and not worry about the punishments. Sure it'll most definitely be horrid but at least I get to enjoy this little moment.

Well I was enjoying it before I heard footsteps behind me. I half expect it to be my father, but he would never come look for me. He's to busy as a CEO to come look for me.

I turn my head and see a figure, too short to be my father. I squint my eyes to try and see if I recognize him, which I fail to do. I get up, ready to go back at this point. But I get stopped by a sharp pain on the back of my head. I stumble to the ground. Maybe it is my father and I saw incorrectly. I try to get back up only to fall back down. I see shoes in front of me and faint voices.

Then it all goes black.

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