Chapter 31 - Yoongi

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I cross my arms with a pout. "I said I was sorry." hoseok says with no emotion. "You say it but you didn't mean it!" I retaliate. "I did." he deadpans. "No you didn't." I mumble. The lack of emotion in his words make me doubt him.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Fine" he mumbles. "Yoongi, I'm... I'm sorry for what I said."I'm caught of guard by his tone. It was soft. I didn't expect him too but he said it with emotion. For the first time I heard him speak with emotion.

"You're forgiven..." I whisper, still slightly shocked. "Good, let's go." he says, back to his normal self. I climb out of bed and stumble over to Hoseok. He sighs and picks me up, knowing exactly what I wanted. I wrap my arms and legs around him like a koala.

I get confused as we go down the stairs, I thought we were going to his office. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Breakfast." he mumbles. I get anxious as I'm not used to being held by him around others. "Y-you can put me down..." I whisper. "Why would I?" he asks. "W-well... You probably don't want t-them to see this." I say as I lean back so I can see his face.

"They've already." he says, looking at me. I get confused and ask when. "You fall asleep a lot in my office." he says with a smirk. I get embarrassed as my face goes red. I watch his lips as they go from a smirk to back to normal. My heart starts to speed up as we got closer to the room.

Unexpectedly he didn't let me go. I sat in his lap instead of my usual chair. "Y-you sure you don't mind?" I ask, cautiously looking around. "Yes. Relax." he says, demandingly. I mumble an "ok".

A few seconds later Jin walks in with breakfast. He doesn't even bat an eye at the sight. "I guess they have seen this a lot..." I think to myself. I lean back and look at hoseok. He has a glare held on the wall. He notices my stare. "What?" he grumbles.

I Boop his nose instead of speaking. He scrunches his nose as he grabs my hand gently. "Don't." he says. I smile at his reaction.

"Cute, wait what?"

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