Chapter 36 - Jin

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"Hyung?" it was Hoseok, that's strange, he's supposed to be with Yoongi. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I need you to go get Yoongi." my ears perk up. "What the fuck did you do?" I ask worriedly as I slip my shoes on.

He doesn't answer as he walks out, leaving me confused. At least I know where Yoongi is.

I rush to the roof and search for a bit before I make way to the balcony. There I see, my baby Yoongi laying on the cold ground. I run over to him and shake him. I start to cry when he doesn't respond. I pick him up and run all the way to my room.

I place him on my bed and wake Namjoon up. "J-jin?" I look over and see he has opened his eyes slightly. "Yoongi!" I jump over Joon and hug Yoongi tightly. "I'm so glad you're awake!" I Say as tears roll down my face. "Why are you crying?" he lazily asks.

"Why am I crying? Why were you up there alone?!" I almost shout. That's when I back up, he had sat up straight, almost hitting me. He looked worried and scared.

"Hyung, where is Hoseok? Did I do something wrong, is he mad at me? Oh shit, shit, shit." he kept rambling on. I had to knock him out of it. "Yoongi!" I say, getting his attention. "What happened up there?" I ask softly.

His body goes stiff. "W-well, hyung... I think... I think we almost kissed." his face goes red as he whispers the last part. "Wh-wha-" I can't even speak. They almost kissed? But then why..

"But..." I mutter. "He walked away without a word, leaving me there alone." he explains. "Yoongi I understand you must feel so many things right now but that information is very important and delicate. So I have to have Joon go talk to him about this." I watched as his eyes widened. "But Jin hyung! W-what if he never speaks to me again! I mean it could've just been in the moment! He probably doesn't see me that way! Don't bother him... Please..." he is almost in tears at this point.

"Fine." I sigh. He looks relieved. "Go to bed ok?" he nods and makes his way to his room. Once I'm sure he's left I turn to Joon. "I'm going aren't I?" he asks. "Yes. I know I told Yoongi you wouldn't but we both know things he doesn't." Namjoon nods.

Yoongi has no idea what he's doing.

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