Just A Visit!

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"We are here..."        Gus turned to Nate.
"This Will be worked out......Liz's probably up to her old tricks, making as much trouble as she can. Say it's all Violet's fault, and then leave us......To clean up the mess..."

Nate was looking at his hands......"...hope so...."

They both got out of the car, and walked up the steps to the front door.

Even though this was not his old house, the irony wasn't lost on him. Something about the style of the house always found it's way to meaning.....Trouble.

They were greeted by a young nurse, Dr Quest was waiting for them in his office. She gently touched Nate's arm....."Mr French, could you wait in this room...Please..."
Nate looked at Gus......Gus nodded.

"..Dr Quest will probably see you soon..."

Nate went with the nurse, but he didn't like how this was starting.

The nurse showed Nate to a small room.....It had no real outside windows, but one large. It  looked like, a viewing window. The nurse offered a seat....."Would you like a glass of water while you wait..."         She smiled, while holding out a small cup.

Nate sat down, looked at the window......Looked at the nurse, nodded......Took the cup, and started to drink the water. Maybe......He really didn't have anything to worry about. He'd had nothing to do with Jerry's death.....Burial, maybe......But, he was long gone before Nate had got to him. And as for being Sectioned again.....Well, that couldn't happen without good reason.

Nate stood up and looked out the "window".......It looked into the waiting room. Not many patients here today, actually hardly anyone.....Quiet day?

.........Wait a minute!

Audrey? And Ruby? Their talking to Gus......And.....Doctors....!!

The room started to go all out of balance......His head started to feel like he had fog inside it, Nate sat down. His mouth felt dry.....And his fingers were starting to feel tight, and his feet for that matter were too. He knew this feeling......He also knew not to fight it, it only makes the drug work faster. Nate stayed sitting.

(Once in the blood, this chemical knows what to do. Violet's Lavender Secret...)

"Ignatius. How are we feeling? Nice and calm, I hope..."            Liz had walked into the room, and was sitting beside Nate. She turned him around to face her. It didn't take much, that surprised Nate a little. But he also knew, he shouldn't be surprised.

"Now......This was not how I would have planned it. I started a little too quickly with your father.....But, maybe I can slow things down, get things back on track.....With you. With the consent forms. Which you haven't signed..."

Liz looked at the Viewing window, then back at Nate.

"......Violet's jumped the gun again. Never mind....Always too quick! Never thinks before she acts. Well, we will just work with the situation at hand. The cards that have been dealt!...."          Liz smiled at Nate.

Nate started to pull back in the chair.....If she touches him. I'll kill Her!

Liz stood up, went up to the window.

".......Their all gathering. What to do, their thinking. It's simple really, your to come back to me...."            Liz looked at Nate.

"Drug's working isn't it? Nice and calm Ignatius, no scenes. Now, Ruby.....You told her, didn't you? No? Audrey, you always tell her everything....No? Slipping, dearest. Gus?......yes, you've told him..."

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