What Is Best!

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"..Hellooo Nate! Fancy meeting you here! You look strapped down.

Carl sat down beside Nate.

"..I won't bash ya. THEY...Want me to hit someone. But.....Nah! Hooow's it going?.."

Nate looked at Carl.....He would have chatted back.....But couldn't, he'd kinda told Ruth to "Get Fucked".....Punched Rick. The two of them kept going on, and on about how well behaved he was being, and listening to them was in his best interests. Liz would be visiting, Dr Ellis would be seeing him......And dam it, he lost it.

Ruth had said there would be consequences.

Nate had been given a Mouth-guard plate. He had been told to reflect on his "actions" and "words." So, talking wasn't happening at the moment. Shame, Carl was okay....Good to chat to.

"..It's nice to have people to talk to. Help's to pass the time. Stops the brain turning to mush, Do you agree....Nate?.."
"Mouth-Guard. Shit!.....I'll answer for you..." Carl smiled. Nate rolled his eyes. Carl had a lot to say for himself. Nate found some of the stuff a bit eye-opening!

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"..Audrey, glad you could make it......You didn't have to, but good you came. You may want to know further what's going to happen..."

Liz looked at Audrey, smiled.....But, it wasn't convincing. Audrey shifted in her chair.....She had come to discuss Nate, to see him. Nothing to do with Liz.....And she didn't want to look at her either.

"Is Dr Ellis coming soon? And I want to speak with Dr Quest.."
"Both will be coming soon, Audrey....We have so much to talk about...."

Audrey had nothing she wanted to talk about with Liz, so.....She looked out the window, till the doctors came in.

Ten long minutes later.

"..Good Afternoon! So glad to have you both here!...." Dr Ellis beamed at all in the room. Dr Quest smiled, shook hands with both women.

"First things first....I shall be talking to Ignatius, the French's are pleased to have your support..."
"I don't agree, and I don't support this...."

"Miss O'Sullivan, you don't even know what can be done for Ignatius! What the French's want to give him. His mother, Liz.....Is with us on what we can do for him.."

Audrey shook her head. They really just had no idea.......Nate had all that he wanted, and when the time was right.....He would make the next move.

NOT them.

There was talk of "What was Best".......Liz didn't mention Nate's name once! What Liz wanted to do for "Her Son".......Maybe Nate might be a part of that.

And the "Restriction List".....Ignatius, was to be with people beneficial to him.

Audrey could see him, but this would eventually stop. I was allowed a few more visits......But, my contact would be "cut." Gus and Edith were related to him.......So, they were still on the List.

Friends he already had? Nate was to make new ones.

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Breakfast. Best Meal Of The Day!

Nate was eating breakfast.

Using the fork to put the eggs on the spoon, would then pick the spoon up.....And eat. He repeated the process several times till most of the eggs were gone. Audrey thought eggs were a safe, soft option. And they were on the list of things Nate was allowed to have.

I had finished breakfast, was watching Nate......I then reached across the table and grabbed the spoon, looked at Nate...."Use the fork.....and knife..."

Nate looked at me, frowned....Two long fingers, from the sleeve of a hoodie reached back for the spoon. I moved it further away, Nate sat back in his chair, fold his one good arm.

"..Don't reach across the table! It's not polite. Ask, if you want something..."

We both stared at each other.

"....Has he finished the eggs? He can have a bagel, when he's done.." Audrey was in the kitchen.

"No...Hasn't finished the eggs.." I was staring at Nate, he was staring back.

Audrey put the bagels on the table.

"....Keep going, Nate.."

Nate's eyes started to water.

"What's happened?.."
"I told him a sad story...From school, he's sooo emotional! Oh, well....That's boys for ya!.." I quickly started reading the paper.

Audrey looked a bit panic, stood up...."I'll be back in a minute, don't move..."

I put the paper down. Nate was looking at me......Large chocolate, red eyes....."Stop! That now!.."

He didn't? and it was getting to me. God I was a bitch.

"Do....you want a bagel?.."
Nate nodded.
".....With peanut butter? Do you want some help?.."
More nodding, and small smile.

I stood up....Grabbed a bagel, and got to work.

Three long fingers, from the sleeve of a hoodie picked up the butted bagel....And,  Nate started to eat.

When finished.....Nate gave me a dimpled smile.

(I just wanted to hug him)

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