Classrooms/A Kiss.

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His First Day.

"..Good morning class!.."

Mrs Berry stood in the front of the room....Everyone was seated, looking at her.

(Good. She had their attention)

"..We have a new student starting with us today.....This is Ignatius, Ignatius French.     I hope you all make him feel welcome..."

All eyes were on Nate....You could have heard a pin drop.     The girls of the room, wanted to go out with him.......The guys, were sizing him up.

I just tried to look in another direction.

"Ignatius, would you like to take a seat.....Any where, I'm sure no will mind where you sit.." She smiled, pointing out some vacant chairs.

Nate did a quick look, and took a seat just to the middle of the room......No one really liked sitting there, a spot normally left open to the brains of the class or "lost-causes"......Teachers would often ask questions of students in the middle.

Something to do with the view of the room!

Nate didn't really care where he sat.....He probably wouldn't be in class for long. He answer all the questions, and then be asked to leave the room! That's what always happened at his last school.

(....They didn't like know-it-all's.....Plus they assumed Nate was cheating in some way...)

But, today was different......The teachers "liked" him.....Or they just liked smiling a lot, at him.

The teachers were asking him a lot of questions.....Other students were pleased at first. The attention was off them, but after a while, some students actually wanted to answer in class. The students of this school, wanted to learn (Interesting! That intrigued Nate)

At his last school......It was a good place to meet up with friends, hang out for an hour or two.....Unless something better came up. Maybe eat your lunch....IF, you had one (To eat!)

It wasn't a bad school, it got it's state funding once year like all the rest, but this school......Nate noted was funded once a month (Both state, and privately...It was posh)

Nate looked around the room.....Girls were still looking, the guys.....Still keeping an eye on him.


Nate looked in my direction.....He didn't smile, he knew to wait and see if I acknowledge him first.....Otherwise, he kept his eyes to the front of the room, or on his books.

The classes were easy, the day went fast.....He made some friends. At the end of his last period......Nate was requested to go see the principal, in his office.

(.....This is it! Nate knew he was going to be asked to leave!...)

"Ignatius.....We can't teach you..." The principal looked at Nate, sitting on the other side of his desk. Nate frowned at him.....GREAT!! (Because he really liked this school)

"But......I have arranged for something, that we can teach will have us, as your school..."

Nate grinned.

Later that day, I saw Nate walking home, I wanted to join him......But, already his first day there........He was part of the cool kids crowd, and may not want to be seen with me.

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