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"Mharuú aici....sin an méid ba mhaith liom a dhéanamh.."

As far as Erin was concerned, the solution was simple. He looked over at Nate, who now had a bruised cheek.

"..America doesn't like people who KILL people.....They tend to take a very SERIOUS view!..."        Nate knew Erin was only trying to help.....But, this wasn't HELPING!

Erin thought of telling Nate, if he didn't start taking care of business, he would.....And take Ruby.

But he'd promised Briddie, he'd be of "assistance"......And taking Ruby, would do to Nate....What had happened to him. Only slight difference being, Erin had burned a city down. Nate would just become something no one wanted to see (Severely unhinged!)

(Erin knew what that was like from personal experience)

Erin looked around the room.....Too dark. Maybe he could get Ruby to take a walk with him.......Seeing her would help.

_________________________ ~£€¥~ •••

Scarlet was shocked by my eye.....But, I did looked like I was on the mend. I told her, I'd been putting something nice and cool to my eye (He had really helped with the swelling) Scarlet started chatting away.....Trying to talk about everything, but what was really on her mind.

"Ruby, I saw Nate today.....Things were a real mess! Who ever that girl is....I think her name's Harper, Harper Winters......She's trouble! This not what I wanted to talk about (She paused) We had to stop production three times, in the end Bernie crack the shits....He's talking to lawyers if she ever shows up again..."

Scarlet went quiet (I was unwell. Should she tell me. But, Nate was being abused)....."I'm sorry to be telling you all this, you look tried....I should just shut-up, I wanted to see if you were okay...Nate mentioned you weren't well. He was soooo sad. He was weird.....I know he wanted to chat, we do that a lot. Me, Ethan.....Nate, you....His face lights up! It's soo cute!.."

She looked at her watch.

I shouldn't keep you up.....Your unwell, and I'm rambling about shit!.."

Scarlet started to wipe one of eyes.

"I'm not crying...No, just tried...too.."

Scarlet smiled...."I should go, I think your doctor wants to see you....Get Better, Ruby!.." Scarlet stood, smiled again.....And left.

She kicked herself for not just saying it. Scarlet called Jan. Jan informed Bernie, Gus was told. Dr Ellis tried to brush it all off.....But, he had words with Liz. Harper better "control" the attitude. Eyes were watching!

__________________________ ~ •£€¥• ~

Erin watched Dr Quest.

The doctor looked nice enough.....Was talking to me, checking to make sure my eye was fine. So, far.....Erin still approved. Had a good manner, not getting too close to me.....Had interesting things to say, not that Erin knew much about medicine. Was talking about Nate. GOOD! Keep talking, misses her....GOOD, wants to see her....EXCELLENT!

(....This doctor gets to live..)

Dr Quest smiled at me....."Your eye will be fine.....You'll be seeing out of two eyes in no time!.."

I thanked him, and Dr Quest continue his rounds.

Erin stepped out of the shadows.

"You are seeing Nate now.." nErin gave me an ernest look.

"Erin, I can barely see! And walking around these hallways, I'd get lost.....Probably get grabbed by a nurse, and then god knows where I'd end up!

He pulled back the covers, pulled me to a sitting position.

"I am here to help.." Erin smiled.

Erin then pulled me off the bed....Walked me down hallways, around corners.....Through swing-doors, till we got to a dark locked area. Erin was glowing in the dark, his eyes were bright.....And he had razor like teeth......oh! I'd been warned!

I used to make fun of Nate when he had to wear that Mouth-guard.......I'd told him, he looked like a craved pumpkin head!

Erin..... Was that, but worst. I stopped walking, I couldn't see well.....But, I could see Erin.

"Are you okay?..."
"Are you going to kill me.....for not saving Nate?..."
"You look...."
"I know, it happens in places....At times.....Hard to....explain. Can't in english..."

We continued to walk.

A door was pulled open, it may have been "locked"......Now it wasn't.

The room was dark, some dim light.....Just enough to see Nate, a window.....If you could call it that.

He looked up at me, grinned.
"....I've died, haven't I..."
"No!..." I made my way over to him, Erin helped.

"I'm in trouble then..." He nodded to himself. "Your going to hit me....and I'll deserve it..."
"WHAT?!......Stop talking!.."

"They've given him medicine?.." Erin was looking at Nate...A little confused.

"Yes!....Nate. Can you stand up.....Good, now come here..."
"Erin, let's get him out of this room.....It smells like death.."

We walked Nate back to my room, sat him on the bed.

"Did they get you too?.....Your eye, do you still have it? It's all my fault!..."

"Nate, shut it....And, listen. Are you listening?..."
Nate nodded....He was frowning.

"Your staying here. Audrey's coming tomorrow.....I think Molly might come too..." I sat down beside him.
"Your cheek!.......Well, at least your eyes are better..."

Erin smiled, he felt sure we would be okay....For now.

"Get in....That's right.    You look tried Nate, shut your eyes.....Now.."

I'd wait till tomorrow and talk to him. Now....He wouldn't be able to make sense of it!.."

Past times had shown me that.

There was a spare bed in the room, I'd sleep there. I pulled back the covers, and climbed in.......I have admit, having him close by.....I would sleep a lot better.

Half an hour later.

I could feel the covers being pulled back, slight roll to the side......And Nate got in the bed, covered me up.         There was a kiss to the side of my head, neck......And an arm wrapping me close to him......"missed you.."

"Sleep!.."           I could feel Nate grinning.

(....I was smiling too. Him and I felt safe...)

The next morning, I opened my eye to Nate sitting up in the bed, arm still kind of around me.......And he was glaring at the nurse, at the end bed.

"Good morning!      He can't stay.."


What Erin said :

- "Kill her.....That's what I'd do..."

THE TRUTH OF US : Truth Known. (5) Where stories live. Discover now