A Needle/GingerBreadMen.

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Fifteen? Fifteen and a half? And, I don't give a fuck about anything!

Nate stared at his front gate.

I could run away. But, I tried that. The police found me....Bought me back, now their watching. Liz has booked the ticket. She going to go through with it! Watching the phone for the call. They all are.

Hellford Road Institution : Correction For Wayward Youths.

Nate sat on the brick wall glaring at his house, Violet had come for a visit........She wanted to show his mother something. It was something Liz might like to use. If the call didn't happen soon.....Violet had been saying, Liz could use this small surprise! It would make him more likeable till he had to go. The two had been talking about ways to handle him.

Liz had already set in motion her initial plans for her troublesome scary son. She had given notice at his school, bags were packed.....Forms signed and sent on. Now she was just waiting on the vacant-space call......And, Nate would be escorted on to a plane.....And away from her.


Liz looked out the window.....Her son was staring at the house. God! He was getting scary. Made her tense just looking at him......Had she pushed too hard?

He could possibly......Kill her, while she slept.

Violet was sitting in an armchair.

"Use it...Then, you'll have nothing to worry about till when he leaves. He'll do as he's told for once. School's finishing up for him soon..."

".....And, I'll have him here!
Violet, he's out of control. Scarily....Out of....Control..."

Liz sat down. Violet saw the stressed look on her face. She didn't like to see her sister worried.

"..Max's fine. Ignatius's still a bit afraid of him. But, Jerry's getting nervous..."

"Start him on it now, by tonight.....He will be as good as gold! You may not want to even send him away! Hell!....You could even start liking him again..." Violet smiled at her sister.


Just before dinner, Liz went into the kitchen, Violet was standing beside her. Violet had explained what to do.

"I'll put it in this, tell the guys not to drink from the jug. It'll be just for Ignatius...." Liz stuck a small label on the top.....And, put the black bottle back in the fridge.

Later Max and Jerry returned from a job......Liz told them what was happening, pointing out the bottle and jug.

"Good, he's getting bloody nightmarish!..." Jerry shuddered.

Max rolled his eyes, kept his thoughts to himself.....And smiled. He didn't have a problem with Ignatius.....Nothing he wasn't prepared to deal with himself.


Nate was sitting at the table.

Liz was talking to Violet......Violet would glance in his direction every so often.

Nate was glad they weren't talking to him......But, he did wonder. They were "being".....nice.

"Can you clear the table, Ignatius?.."

He was about to tell Liz.....Get stuffed! But, he cleared the table. shit.

Liz asked him to come back......"Stand here.....Look at me. Violet, what do you think?.....Is he different?

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