A Friendly Visit.

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Riley set out the books, started to talk about class.....Then moved on to the billboards he was now putting up.

".There from that show your doing...."UNSCRIPTED DAIRIES".        The billboards are massive!    The TV people are going all out on this one, Nate....You should see them!!..."

Molly was sitting beside Nate, looking at what he was wearing.

She looked over at me.

"He got that from a hospital, didn't he..."
"Yeah, the Clinic.....I thought they didn't make those outfits any more..."
Molly looked at Nate...."No, they don't.    It's scary looking, he must be so upset!      Do you have any thing else for him.."              Molly was dying to give him a hug (She always did, when she saw him)

Nate was listening to Riley.....Starting to relax, but every so often there would be a glance to me...Could he get me to sit on the other side?          If he just caught my eye, would I just come close to him.

He was okay with Molly sitting on the couch......but, he was waiting.      When was she going to reveal her true actions to him?

(I honestly think it was just her M.E. assistants uniform)

Molly would smile at Nate, try to talk to him.....But, he kept looking at her (looking at me.....With wide dark eyes)          Molly would quickly start a conversation with me or Riley, lean away.....Nate would relax. It was sad in a way.....Those two were close.

But Molly was patient, she waited till Riley had finished telling his tales of mayhem and terror......And asked if Nate was ready for her to check his bruises, and maybe apply some more cream to the areas.

Arms wrapped around his chest......Nate shook his head, face saying no (Maybe a few other things as well)            Riley and I exited the room to make cups of coffee for us all. I knew if I stayed.....It would be harder for Molly, Nate wouldn't let her near him.

"Has he been okay?.."
"Nate's been good.....He has his moments, been better than I thought. But, I didn't think he would react this way to you guys. He knows you two.."

Riley nodded, as he spooned coffee and sugar into the cups.

"Molly might tell ya, but......The cops got talking to some of the guys at the Shed..."         His voice went quiet.
"No body said a word to them.....Not even Toni.    Thought she might. But they got hold of Jenny..."

Riley did a quick check down our small hallway.

"Jenny's pissed over the work Nate destroyed. I think she told the cops something....Molly has more details. We didn't want to say anything in front of Nate. He's looking better...."

"...But.   He's still a mess..."

I poured some milk into the cups, then some hot water.

Riley gave them all a quick stir.....Was just picking them up, when we heard Nate.

"Noooo!....I'm not!..."

I quickly moved down the hallway, into the living room, they were fine. Molly was gently holding Nate by the arms. Nate was looking at Molly.

"Small skin break.     One of the bruises goes deeper than I thought. Nate might have to see a doctor for that one..."

Nate looked at me, reached his arm out towards me.

".....no, I won't..."
I put my arm around him.
"You will if it's bad, listen to Molly.      You used to..."

Molly smiled up at him....."Sometimes, more Riley..."

Riley grinned....."Course, I have the BEST advice!   Ask anyone!.."

We all laughed at that one.

Nate was now happy to chat to Molly, but still had me stuck by his side, while he did it.

Nate asked Molly all sorts of questions.

Where did she work?       How long had they known each other?      Had she met his mother?    (And this was strange one).....Had they ever been grave digging?!

Molly almost wet herself laughing....."No!.....Never!.."

(....I think Nate was sussing her out...)

Were her intentions....Still safe.

Molly was happy to answer any questions Nate had. He was starting to finally warm up to her.

Was he remembering?

Just before they were planning to leave, I went to check on the washing.

"Oh, crap!     Their ruined!.."           I held up Nate's t-shirt, then his jeans.        I know washed clothes are nothing to cry over, but......My cooking's god awful, and now.....I couldn't do a simple load of washing, without ruining them!

Molly found me in the laundry.

"Ruby.....That's....interesting!....kind of creative?..."
"It's terrible!!.....Nate can't wear these!.."        I held up Nate's sweat-shirt to inspect.
"Maybe....You could re wash them.."        She was trying to be helpful.

But the load was ruined!

She looked at me...."Timing's off.....I need to tell you.       Jenny told the police, she saw you go into a real state's office, close to Tech. I have a bad feeling about this.."
"Yeah, so do I.....Riley was saying.."

We were going to have to move, or go back to Edith's.......or Audrey's.

"I didn't want Nate to hear about this..."
"Yeah, he'd kill her..."          man I sighed...."Well, I guess I better start talking....And planning!     And, he's got no change of clothes. I've got no spares.."

Molly smiled at me...."Don't panic.... It's just like old times!      And, Nate looks cute.....Like a crazy doctor!.."

We headed back to the living room.

"Nate, we have to leave.....Tonight.."

Molly and Riley talked us into coming back their place....No one would come looking there.      Jenny wouldn't have shared that information to the police.

Riley packed up the books, Molly smiled at me......Nate wanted to know where their house was.

Nate started to look a little worried, things were changing.      He'd only just got comfortable with Molly.....Now, we were leaving. He looked at me.....Was there something I hadn't told him.

I gave him a hug.

"...I've ruined your clothes..."

Nate looked down at me, grinned....."No to cooking......No to washing. I'll have to start looking after you!.."
"You remember my cooking?.."
"Riley was telling me.....And, now that I come to think about it......Small burnt pancakes?.."
"That wasn't me....It was Audrey..."

I buried my face in his chest.

(....Being hugged by him felt sooo nice, tight arms,small pat to the back....)

"Your not upset about no clothes?.."
"No, you'll help me get more.."            He was grinning at me, his eyes were deep brown.....And, had a small spark to them!

"We should grab something to take, the rest leave......If the police come, I want them to think, we're still here.."
"Toothbrushes.....We'll take those.."

And that's what we took......They were still in their packets.

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