Talk To Me!

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I sat up, that was a positive memory.....I wanted to hang on to (If only they could all be like that!)....I may not have been perfect, but.....He was okay, we did stuff and got through it. I was there...And, could stop or fix things.

Was I making sense? (Head ached a bit)

I was starting to get confused again, I was also there for some of those other memories too.....I was too small, I couldn't stop Liz......She hurt him.

The small boy at the end of my bed, the child wearing the child-harness. Audrey had wanted to take it off........He screamed and cried at her (We had no idea why, he wouldn't tell us)

Eddie had to sit him down.....Talk gently to him, then removed it. Next morning......He'd put it back on over his pj's. That same morning, Audrey found me feeding him on the floor!

Those memories worried me the most. The doll ones, I could kind of cope with, they just sounded a little over the top!

(I could talk to Nate about them...)

But, the others.......Could I talk to George, or should I discuss it with Dr Quest?

The small shadow.....The slightly taller than me figure. He wanted to be known. He was pushing to come forward.

I stood, made my way back to Dr Quests office.

Everyone was quietly talking, looked up as I entered the room, and sat down beside Nate.

How are you feeling?.."             Dr Quest looked over to me.

"Fine......Still a bit tried, but okay..."

"Is there any thing else you want to say..."


Nate held my hand, he was pleased.....This could end.

"......Yes, but....Separately, with certain people..."

Nate looked at me....His hold went tight.

George nodded. Dr Quest had been waiting, he just knew there would be more.


"Ruby, you can talk to me......I can help. I think you should just talk to me..."

Nate was watching me....He was worried, what was I not saying?       Who did I want to talk to?      If it was George, he had no control there, if it was Dr Quest.....Nate, might be able to ask if he could be present. Quest couldn't say anything without his permission.

"......Nate, I do want to talk to you. But, it's confusing....It doesn't make sense. I don't want to hurt you.."

I sat down beside him, I knew if he hugged me, I'd lose it.     It would all just come out. One big sickly detail after the next.          Nate kept a tight lid on the past......Audrey and him were only just coming to terms with it (And, they both remembered)

".....Trust me, I'm okay. I'm not keeping things from you. Not like before......Where, I made you take it all...."

Nate nodded, but he still kept pouting at me......Large dark eyes, hands touching me in a way that made me, give in....Confess. No walls up.

"Let's go to sleep.      Tomorrow, I'll feel better. We can get you to Tech.....Or work with Gus...."

Nate lay down, waited for me to turn out the light.......Then as I pulled the covers over me, two hands moved me towards him.

I must of tensed because, Nate sat up......"What's wrong?!..."

"I'm fine......Lie down, I'm just cold, yeah....just cold...."

I wriggled closer, got Nate to do the same. Closed my eyes......And, there he was.    Waiting.         Nate moved closer to me......There was a small kiss to my cheek, lips.    Leaned in a little closer, now my neck. He pulled me into him, put his arm around my waist. His breathing started to slow.....Before long, soft snoring sounds.

I must fallen asleep........Later.


"Does Nate have to be at work with you.......or Tech with me?.."

"...Tech, I believe..."

"Okay.   We'll take the car......If, your not minding?..."

Gus shook his head.

"Ruby.     Why do we owe a month's rent to 6743 Valley Ave?..."              Audrey peeped at me over her cup of tea.

"Because.....Nate and I lived there..."


"Ruby.      Will we be speaking today?..."

(He remembered. Shit)

"Yes.....yes, we will..."                   I wasn't going to hide this. It would be George, I spoke to.

Nate walked into the room, he was dressed, hair a mess, he was wearing a pair of glasses?........Looked like, he'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed. He was frowning, and biting his bottom lip.

(When did he start with the glasses, I'll inquiry later...)

"We're going to Tech, dearest!.."

Nate stared at me......How was he going to keep an eye on me, and go to classes.       All at the same time.

He ate a quick breakfast (Bagels with peanut butter).....Tried not to look at me, tried to make polite conversation with me.....Gragged his books. Twenty minutes later......We had to get going.

We met Riley and Molly at the entrance doors.......They were pleased to see us!       Till, they saw the look on Nate's face. Molly still hugged him.....It looked quite sweet, a medium sized happy person with blue hair.....Trying to cheer up grumpy Nate!

Riley raised an eye-brow, frowned at him......"Going to classes?.."

Nate nodded, turned to me.......Gave me a bone-breaking hug....."See you in an hour and half.."

I had decided in the silent car-ride over, I would tell Nate what I was going to do next.

"Nate.....I'm not going to class, I'm talking to George.....Now..."

Riley gave me a "Why-did-you-do-that!" look.

Nate looked down at me (I had really made his morning now!)           I kissed his cheek......Told Molly, I'd catch up with her soon.

She nodded. Riley rolled his eyes....But, waved me off.

As I walked off.....I could hear Riley saying......"You Are Going To Class!!.."


"George, this is going to be hard.......I was so small, I don't even know if I've got this right...."

"Do you want to talk to Audrey, I could still help?.."

"....No, she didn't cope well with the Melbourne heart-to-hearts. You look like you might understand, take it better. I thought of Dr Quest, but he needs Nate's permission..."

George nodded. Got us both to sit down...."Make yourself comfortable.."

"I will bring Ignatius into this.....But, later.      You need to talk first. I'm going to get you to talk me through it.....If, you don't mind..."


George pulled out his watch, placed it on the table. The watch was a good way to focus.

"Deep breath.....Start when your ready..."

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