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Liz kept looking out the window and talking.

Nate wasn't listening, she was just talking bullshit.....Not a single word he really wanted to hear!

"..Ruby. She seemed okay. When she was young, had potential.........Maybe she could have been the one for you..."

Nate looked up at his mother.....Maybe if he was honest, she might listen (He was starting to feel weird, this feeling was coming and going. He really wasn't feeling "right"....)

Nate cleared his throat.

"Mom. Love Ruby....really her....."
(He sounded strange.....What The Hell!!)

"..Of course you do! (She turned to look at him) But.......Ignatius, You can do far better! She was a troublesome child.....A spiteful young girl. And, now.....God knows what she'll have you doing!....."

Liz wasn't even looking at Nate (Eyes directed at him. But, closed to who he really was).....Her usual talking at him, not with him.

Nate could feel a weird sensation building.....Reaching. Reaching, just towards the top....Slowly clawing it's way out of his skin. Liz continued to look out the window...."Oh, there's Audrey....and Ruby! Their all coming. Lovely!..."

Nate couldn't contain himself any longer......He gripped the arms of the chair.......He was standing. He was standing in his mother's body space.....He was pounding the glass....(FUCK!.....STOP!.....NOW!..)

Audrey and I were about to join the others......When we both heard the god almighty.....SMASH!!!

Both Audrey and I looked over, Audrey grabbed me. A nurse quickly appeared from no where, and tried to guide us towards Dr Quest's office.

I pulled away, and moved straight to the shattered glass now on the floor.


Nate was backing into a corner......Liz was shaken.           This part was not meant to happen. Not part of the plan, Nate was getting angry! Seriously not what Liz had wanted initially first up.

Two male nurses went into the room, took hold/restrained Nate......Another assisted Liz from the room.

I moved with speed to the door.

"..I want to speak to him....I can calm him...please!..."
The two nurses looked at me....Then Nate, he seemed to have stopped struggling....Now, that I was standing in front of him.

"What's happened? This is not you..." I was confused, worried. Nate was shit scared.

He looked at me.....He was trying to speak, but no words were coming. His eyes were red, dark....Hollow, bright looking

"..I need to talk to him, he'll calm down...If I just talk to him..."

The nurses stood firm...."Sorry, not happening.     And, we need to get his hand checked out.."

I was about ready to lose it!....."But, You don't..."

Libby came up behind me....."Ignatius knows her. And, I'll come with them to the examination room..."

Nate was taken to an open, very bright room.....And seated by a trolley. Not once was the grip on him loosened.

The nurses stood back, eyeing Nate.

"We will be right there..." One of them pointed to the door way. Libby started to lay out wipes, bandages.....I turned to Nate.

"Nate. Does this hurt?....It doesn't? Let me look. Do you want me to fix it.....Yes? Okay..."
Tears were rolling down Nate's cheeks. I tried not to cry too......I just wanted to get him through this first.

THE TRUTH OF US : Truth Known. (5) Where stories live. Discover now