Talks With George.

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"You knew my mother?!.."

"Yes, a smart and full of life young woman. Very charming, you look a lot like her. I met your father too. Interesting. Different, they were well suited..."

George looked at me...... We were now standing in the middle of the back lawn.

"I was sad to hear when your mother passed away. And, your father.....Just disappeared. Would have liked to have kept in touch..."

I looked at George. He was an older version Eddie........The family likeness was strong.

"I knew the Hardgraves family well......The French's and your family are very good friends. I'd like to keep those strong ties together..." George smiled at me.

"I hear memories of late between you and Ignatius......Have not been good.."

"Yeah, Nate and I have had some problems. But, Nate's improving.....I'm sure, he'll be back to his old self in no time..."

George sat me down in one of the garden chairs.

"......You, Ruby. I'm very upfront.......Old people often are, something about no time like the present. Not long for this world..."

He grinned at me.

I looked down....Then, at him. He was now sitting too. He looked so like Eddie......I couldn't stop myself opening up to him.

"I can't remember being a kid. Might have something to do with Mum's death.....I want to help Nate. He wants me to remember him.....Which is fair. I want to remember him too. Things are coming back to him, and....I'm glad about that. Audrey thinks it's her fault....Her and Eddie. She's being supportive.....Said not to worry..." Tears were running down my cheeks. (crap!)

".....Things will come when the time's right..."

"It may well do. Ignatius can help you as well..." George gave me a reassuring smile.


"They're just talking. George likes to talk.......He'll bring her back in.."

"......he's going to take her.."
"No, never..."

Nate using every muscle in his body to just stay where he was with Audrey. He didn't want me talking to uncle George.

Audrey looked out the window......Turned back to Nate, who had his arms crossed, shoulders hunched.

"He won't hurt her, he wants to chat.....His interest lies more with you, and that's what concerns us...."

Audrey tried to get Nate to move from the window. He wouldn't be moved.

"Edith will talk with him.....And, with any luck, he will see your fine. He'll just be visiting, nothing more!.."

Nate squinted at the two of us.

"He's making........HER CRY!!!!..."

Before Audrey had a chance to stop Nate.......Nate was on the front lawn, standing in front of George and I.

"I'll have Ruby.....NOW!!.."

George looked up at Nate.

"Clam....Down. She is fine. And, yes.....Ignatius, you can see her. Now.."

Nate instantly bent down to me, and hugged me tight.


Edith, Audrey and Gus were standing in the kitchen..........All looking out the window.

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