Marching Orders.

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"I'm not sorry I did that. You have ridiculed, made fun of.....And, pretty much RUINED this show!!.."

Scarlett stood with her hands now, on her hips.

The crowd were nodding......They then slowly went back to where they all came from.

George had walked out of the office...Was looking around, had something been happening?       Had Nate done something?         Then he saw Harper.

".....Harper, can I have a word with you?      What happened here?

George continued to look at me....Then Nate, back to Harper.....Who was now holding her cheek (Giving us all evil stares.         She still couldn't believe she'd just been slap....and hard)

"That bloody little cow HIT ME!!!       Everyone Saw IT!!!     I have Witnesses!!!....."       Harper started waving her hands around wildly, shooting looks in every direction.    People looked away (They honestly felt she deserved the hit. Sad, but true)

"Something, you said.....Harper?        You really need to watch that..."

George was concerned for her, not particularly about her.....He was shaking his head.

He directed her in the direction of the office....."We'll be quick, then you can get back to what ever it was.....You've just done..."

As they walked through the office door......Harper could be heard saying, she would be pressing charges against Scarlett.

Scarlett put her hands to her face...."Nate, I've stuffed up!!       Tassia is going to kill me!!.."

Scarlett was now panicking.

Nate sat her down. I went and got a hot cup of tea with lots of sugar....Scarlett was starting to go a bit white in the face. Nate sat beside her.

"Scar, don't worry about it.      There are bigger things happening....And, Harpers about to be told..."

"...Nate, I know you were on stuff. I know she hit you.....I didn't see it, but I heard. We all heard what she'd say to you...." Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

She looked at me......"She would push him, he'd get sooo angry. One time, he fell over, really hurt himself......She threw a towel at him (Sniff)...And, told him to shut up. I..I...wanted to help..."

Scarlett wiped her eyes.

"I got the door slammed in my face. There were no marks to his face (Sniff)      It was, his head..."

Nate quickly grabbed my hand.

"....Ruby.....Stay here....please..."

"I Will Kill Her!!.....SOOO Help Me!!!.."

I sat back down, looked down at my hands....I'd dug my nails into my palms (Right hand was now bleeding)

In the office.

".....Ring, Harper. Please...."

Gus was looking directly Harper.

Harper slammed it down on to the table, and sent it spinning towards George.

(There was another ring. Harper would use it, keep the "illusion" alive....It was for show, pap-photos, just to keep people guessing!)

"We can't stop you on the show having contact with Ignatius. But.....Anywhere Else!      If you so much as breath the air he is breathing, you will learn the meaning of what I can do.....Is That Clear?..."

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