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Touch. To Feel. Contact.

It can connect......."Repel"......"Is Pleasant".    Can hurt.   It may bring you closer, or confuse you more.

Nate looked out the window.....Dr Quest was seeing him today. He hadn't seen him in while, had been told......"That doctor is not, your doctor any more.."

And, yet.....Dr Quest was coming to see him.

Nate was trying his best to please his mother......He knew if she was "happy"....Things went okay, Harper's presence didn't end up, hurting.

Harper would even talk nicely.     She could be nice, maybe....When the magazines weren't calling her names.

He'd over heard Ruth talking about trying something new, he really didn't like the sound of it.

Gus had visited, which was good till Gus got angry.....And started fighting with Liz. Gus was then asked to leave. Liz blamed Nate....."You "look" too god dam sad!.."

Erin would sit with him....Erin wasn't talking. Erin kept pulling out his knife.....Then it would fly out of his hand, and disappear. Both him and Erin would frown together.

Nate knew deep down he had to do something.....He didn't like what he had been thinking of doing, but.....If it solved the fights? Actually, Nate really had no idea what the hell it would solve!

He looked down at what he was wearing, the restraints....He thought about the morning. What had been happening lately, his mother......Harper. He missed me so much.....He thought about my "black-pen marker" ring on my finger, how I'd said..........I loved him.

"Ignatius....So good to see you!.."

For Dr Quest it was, for Nate.....A reminder of what he felt he had to say, of what he was going to say.

"I would say your looking well....but..."
".....I'm not, am I.....I look like death it's self..."

"Ignatius.... I have things tell you, some not so positive.....And, something very good!...But, first..." Dr Quest gestured for them to sit.

".....Dr Quest, I need to say something.......Ruby's eye, it looks okay. But you need to check it again......Something's not right..."

Nate looked at the ground.

".....I'm getting Married......" Nate looked up.

"You have to look after Ruby....Talk to her, she's going to need help.....A lot...."

Tears were starting to form in Nate's eyes, he'd wipe them....But, they'd come right back.

"I don't want to see anyone again..... from the....."

Dr Quest stopped Nate.

"Ignatius, You don't have to do that! Good Lord!.....This is getting worse than I thought. Ignatius, you need to listen to me....Sit, now..."

Erin walked up right behind Dr Quest.

"I AM GOING.....TO.....FUCKING END YOOOU!!!!....Right after He leaves!!!....YOU....ME.....Dead!!!.."

Nate took a seat......Erin's eyes were wide and large, faint redness to the sides of the irises.....Face so angry, it was going white.....which kind of made his eyes start to look....Deathly black.

Erin also had clenched fists, someone was to the side of him, he was listening to this person....But also wasn't.

"Ignatius, focus........The medications being given to you at the moment are the ones that you were on in Melbourne, but..." Dr Quest paused.

".....Dr Ellis has changed something, the combination is all wrong.....Only Violet knows the correct order, I worked out how to undo.......But, Dr Ellis has played around, stupid idiot! I can fix it......But, I need time...." Dr Quest tried to smile.

Nate was looking at his hands now....."Mom's killing me off, isn't she. Look at the bruises..."

Dr Quest pulled his chair closer.

He wasn't going to say it....."Ignatius, don't sign any thing, don't agree to any thing......Go to Edith's. See Audrey and everyone. Liz is not going to stop you..."

Dr Quest looked at Nate.....Did he understand?

".....Ruby will be okay. Go to Edith's..."

Even though he had no authority over Nate.....He advised Ruth to give Nate bed rest.....And, Dr Quest made a point of being around for the rest of that day.

Erin sat watching Nate.


But, the doctor was watching Nate.....Erin couldn't touch him!


The Damed Queen :

"...Not meant for this world.....Kept getting sick. Well, if I lived when she did....I'd get sick too..."

I scrolled further.

"Put her daughter in the sky. That's a silly place.."

"Keep reading, Ruby.." Lucy was staring at me.

".......She looked a upon him, the pained state he was in, for she was the sole changer of events yet to unfold...."

"What the hell did she do?.."

Lucy moved closer to me....."Does your head still hurt? Your eye looks sore..."

I sat up......"Yes, it does......May have to pull out of dinner at Edith's tomorrow. She's doing the party next week......But, wants dinner tomorrow night. I'll do the party, maybe leave the dinner..." I was holding my head, I was starting to feel tried.

"No!.....You have to do the dinner. Don't worry about the party, that's a trick.....THERE IS NO PARTY! Just the Dinner!.." Lucy was looking at me, a little too closely.

She saw me pulling back a bit...."Hunter and I will take you to the hospital, they will fix you. Ruby, you need to be at that dinner...."

Lucy looked over her shoulder.

"...Hunter, tell Ruby.....They need each other, Nate can't help what's happening...." Lucy gently touched my arm. "Your going to do something.....There's more, but you need to do what your going to do!..."

"Hunter, She is making no sense....What so ever!.."

"She never did, does....Or will..." Hunter smiled, but he was looking worried.

Gus hadn't been at work much that week.....He'd been talking to newspapers, magazine people....And,  some entertainment TV channel. He'd also been trying to sort things out with Bernie.

Shit was hitting the fan......And, Gus did not like one little bit!

Hunter and Lucy did take me to a doctor, who happened to know Dr Quest. I was given some drops...And told to rest, my eye. It would clear up, the headache, was probably due to tiredness. I was sent home with a "Just rest, and you'll be fine!."

Audrey was pleased to see me....We had pizza for dinner. I asked her if she'd seen Nate.....She'd been told no, but had seen Dr Quest.

He had assured her, Nate would be at Edith's....No matter what state of mind he ended up in!

I thought that sounded a bit off.

What ever state he was in?!

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