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"Is he soiled?.."
"No....Absolutely fine, always is.    Like this one.."

"We're going to the bathroom.."

The nurse pointed ahead, went to take a step forward when Nate turned around......"No.."
"No.."           Nate looked at her.
"Are we going to have a problem?.."

"Let's not go there, Ignatius.       Bathroom!...Now.."
"No.     Or should I say......I'll do it!   Thanks!"
"Jess, get Ruth.....Spoke too soon, Not Fine now!

The nurse had been instructed to help Nate with all-cares.      What was he up to?

The second nurse returned with Ruth.

"What's the problem?.."
"Wants to shower himself.."
"Right, okay.      Let him..."

The two nurse stood back, Nate walked into the showering area....Five minutes came out,wrapped in a towel.

"Can you leave the room?.."              Nate looked annoyed, always looking....Watching. Creepy.

"Mrs French has requested this suit.."
"....I don't wear suits on set..."

Ruth shrugged...."Fine, she'll be checking.."
"I don't give a shit.."           Nate pointed to the door.

Ruth and the other two nurses left the room. Nate didn't put the suit on.....Instead he put his t-shirt and jeans on, with his converses. Much better, more him.

"What's he wearing?      What's this?.....No, no, no!    There was a suit!..."            Liz was looking at Nate.
Nate was rolling his eyes, smirking at her. (Like hell, no way, get fucked...)

Liz raised an eye brow.

"Okay, not wearing the suit...."

Liz sat down, looking over at Ruth....."Breakfast?.."
"First thing..."
"It's been an hour....It should have happened sooner.      Need to increase the dose, Jack.....Higher was best, not lower..."

Dr Ellis nodded.

Nate looked at Liz.....(The cereal!!) His eyes went wide.

Liz watched Nate a little longer. I'll show you a trick.....It's called....."You Will Do What Your Told, When Your Told"...."

Liz stood up...."Get the suit.."

Ruth stared at Liz, mouth slightly open...."Your catching flies, Ruth.."

Ruth went and got the suit, entered the room. That nervous feeling she got around Nate had returned.....And Liz wasn't doing any thing to help it either.

Liz walked up to Nate, looked him in the eye....."Ruby's eye isn't looking too good.....It's red....sore. It's swollen, might have to remove it, or it could.....Just pop! Out of her head, that would be AWFUL! Wouldn't it?..."

"Liz, don't stand so close....He's.....angry? Upset?....Something could happen, Liz?
Dr Ellis was trying to beckon Liz away from Nate.

"He's fine! Let's get him dressed probably...This time. Ruth. Can you assist..." Liz did a small turn to Ruth.

Ruth nervously stepped forward.

Nate was calm, standing.......Eyes were as black as night, Ruth thought he had brown eyes (His eyes were differently not that) Body strangely tense.

"Touch him, if you want....He won't do anything.." Liz gave Nate a poke...."See!..." Liz grabbed Nate's hand and pulled him towards a treatment room, just off the doctor's office.

"Now that can come off.." Liz pointed to the t-shirt. Liz was looking Nate up and down....She wasn't impressed with what he was wearing.

Ruth tried to move Nate's arms. He wouldn't bend them. Nate looked at her....Ruth couldn't look back, his eyes, were taking in everything. Ruth took a deep breath.

"Oh, silly me....Quick jab of this, Ruth.." Liz handed Ruth a tiny syringe. "..He'll be moving....talking....moving, any way. The talking doesn't interest me..."

Ruth used the syringe. Waited.....Nate bent his arm. His hand opened and closed.

"Actually this is taking too long! Cut it.."
"His t-shirt?.."
"Everything.." Liz pointed up and down...."Jeans! Shoes can go too. Everything can just Go.."

Ruth stood behind Nate (Not one place she really wanted to be) Raised the scissors, started at the bottom, and started to cut up. Within minutes the t-shirt just hung from his shoulders, she went to the front......Found the top button, undid....Undid the zip.

"CUT!!.." Liz made cutting motions with her fingers. Ruth looked back at Nate....Nate was looking at her, slightly shaking his head.

Ruth picked up the scissors again.

The jeans were harder....Thicker fabric, but with a few cuts (Which weren't really needed) She just tugged the jeans down, revealing Nate's boxers.

Ruth removed what was left of the t-shirt, stood back.

Liz had been circling the two, while Ruth worked.

"..What the hell is this?..." She was pointing to Nate's tattoo's, Ruth looked to....And started to read them.


"..Survive! What the hell would HE know of surviving a childhood! He never knew HIS great aunt!....OR the school I GOT sent to! Liz's eye's were wild looking, and her face twisted a little....Not a good look for her.

Ruth continued.


"He WAS a Curse!.." Liz was staring closely at the ink. Ruth could see the sheer annoyance on her face. Liz was getting worked up.

Ruth read aloud the rest....


"See the Light! Will YOU!...NO, you won't!.." Liz stood right in front of Nate, grabbed his chin....."Maybe you need to lose something..."

The tattoo had touched Liz, and turned something in her........Like, Nate was personally getting at her.

Liz picked up Nate's left arm...."This is for his father! It's going!.."

Something sparkled in the light......."This one.....It's nice!.."

Ruth read it out.

"In The Darkness......We See The Stars..."

"Love the little red star..." Ruth smiled.

"I'll have HIM seeing STARS!!!!"

Liz standing in front of Nate.

Dr Ellis touched her arm. He was shaking his head (stop talking) He pointed to Liz.

Liz was glaring at Nate......Nate's eye's were cold too.....He couldn't move. Speech was coming back, but the contempt they were exchanging for each other was clear. Liz had seen the tattoo's, and she was not meant to have.

"Dress him, I can't look at him!...." Liz walked away.....She was barely breathing, and the cold, tight face showed she was thinking up something.....But what? (No one asked)

THE TRUTH OF US : Truth Known. (5) Where stories live. Discover now