No One Knows Where.

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I looked over at Nate.

Maybe he should stay here.....Maybe what I was planning, wasn't such a good idea (It was very spare of the moment) It all made sense when I first thought about it, it's what I wanted to do......I thought Nate could just do it too, TV characters always made it look sooo easy! But, here's the reality sitting beside me........It's now become very serious, very quickly.

"Whatta ya watching?.."
"'s a movie..."

I looked at the screen.

"Old houses of the world.......That's not a movie. That's boring!...."

Nate looked at me, and then reached his arm out to me......"Sit, here.."

I moved across the couch, and sat beside him.

"No....closer..." With that he put his arm around me, pulled me into him.

"What show.....isn't boring? you pick.."

He put the remote into my hand. I turned slightly towards him.

"Do it here?..."
Nate nodded.

"Would you be happy to stay with Edith.....Gus and Audrey?.."
Nate looked at me, his face went blank. Puzzled.

"They want to help you.....I was thinking of something, but they can keep you safe, get you back on track..."

" help too, are you here....too?.."

I looked him....I'd already said too much, Nate was starting to look confused. Where was I going with this?

"Your not here!.......Where....are you?.."
Nate kind of turned my body around to face him, I'd forgotten how strong he could be.

"I can visit. Come and see you. This is a good place, and we can still be close..."

"No! I want to be where you are, I"

He was annoyed now...I needed to calm things down. He'd kind of answered a question (My brain kept saying this may still be okay)

But could I keep him safe? And was he really going to be okay?

I gave him a hug, he let me sit back beside him.....Arm firmly wrapped around me (Almost like he knew I was leaving soon) We watched some comedy show that was on.

About five minutes later.....There was a raised voice, coming from the hallway.

".......Coming tomorrow! Why?!......No! He's fine!..." Gus was pacing up and down the hallway.

"Why would there be problems, he's happy....Talking to us all, no!.....We're having a marvellous time!.." Gus went quiet.

".......Actually! He wants to stay longer!......." Gus was staring down the hallway at Audrey.

"Nate, would you like to come with me......Maybe, it's time we got you to bed.....It's been a long day..."

Nate looked at me, then back to Audrey.

"Nooo! I'm not going, Not tried! I'm with Her!!!..." Nate wrapped both arms around me now. ".....She'll go.....She needs to be HERE!.." Nate was looking back at Audrey now.

"Nate, let's look at the room. We can talk......And maybe......I can show you something (I had no idea what? But, any way...I was sure something would come to me)

Gus walked into the room.

"She wanted to come here!.....Tomorrow!   But, I've stopped her. That other woman's coming instead..." Gus saw the look on Audrey's face.

"....Sorry, I didn't know.....He was in here too..."

I unwrapped Nate's arms...."Come..."

Him and I left the living room, I took him to the bedroom.

"Nate.....Look at the bag, Okay.   Just think about the bag...."               I pointed to his bag in the corner of the room.

(.....I WAS GOING TO DO IT....)

"You need to go to bed.....sleep, and..."
".....I'll go......With you...."      Had he guessed.

I looked at him...(Did he know?)

"Going where?..."             Audrey walked into the room.

"Bed.....She's going bed..."
"Ruby's got Tech tomorrow, she's got study.    Nate, She can't stay tonight. Maybe tomorrow...."

", here......She has too...."

I turned to Audrey.

"I'll stay.....I'll just get up early.     I'll be fine. Go to Gus, I'll help Nate.."
I smiled at her, she looked back at me.

"You sure?.........There's p.j.'s on the bed.."        She leaned closer, and whispered......"Those hospital things are dreadful!.."

I smiled, and nodded.

I found Nate looking at the pyjamas on the bed.

"I'm leaving these on, maybe take those...."
"......They look nice..."
Nate smiled, sat on the bed......."we can take them.    where we're going?..."

I looked at him.....Had he guessed.

His eyes were wide, he was smiling....But, there was something else ticking away in his head......He was waiting too.

For that moment we just.......Left.

"Get in bed......And, I'll put these here..."

I put the pyjamas in the bag......I looked around the room for any thing else he could need. As I repacked all his things.....Basically every thing, Audrey had only just unpacked earlier today, I kept thinking....I really am going to do this (For better or worse)

With luck.......The worst wouldn't come.


My phone started to vibrate, clicked on the lamp.......Looked over to Nate.

He was sitting up in the bed waiting, and grinning at me.

"Yeah.....not a sound..."
"Got the car keys..."
" did.....okay..."


"This is it..."

We both got out the car, grabbed bags.....And walked up the front garden path, two clicks of the front door......And it opened.

"Are you okay?.."      I looked at him.
"........One of the nurses was coming, weren't they?..."
"I think so......Not Liz, but Ruth.    Think that was her name. Have no idea why..."            I put the bag I was holding down, and reached for his.

"Nate, you'll be safe here.     It'll be just us two..."
"We should get some sleep..."
"......Will they look for me, want me back?      Would I have to go back?      To them?         Would you let them?......"

I put the other bag down......I looked up at him, cupped his face.

"Ignatius, we will do what needs to be done, when that happens. Audrey and Gus will look......And, probably want you returned.     To them..."         I then tried to smooth out some of his hair.

"You won't be going back to Liz.....She's blown her chance. And.........At the moment, there's a strong possibility......Violet's crap will be out of your system, and gone within the week..."              I pulled him close, and kissed him.

".....We should sleep...."

I took him in to the bedroom, turned on the light.

".....This is us...."
Nate grinned at me.

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