Work And Tech.

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The Studio. Cont.

I placed my hand on his shoulder....Letting the other one trail up his neck. He always loved this, would lean into my hand........Turn around, and grin at me. Sometimes pout. Pulling me closer, then suddenly encase me into his arms, and whisper....."Got you now!..."

But.........This time.

Nate was cringing........Pulling/sinking into him self. Almost like he couldn't stand to be touched! I thought doing this, he would know.......It was me, no one else. I stood back......."Nate? It's me...."

Nate suddenly turned around......."Ruby! Your.....Here.!.." Nate put his hands over his mouth......Then quickly pulled me towards him, I was almost falling over, the movement was so quick. He hugged me so tight, kissing the side of my neck.

"...I've wanted to see you. I wanted you to come, I was going to call you. I've so needed you..." Nate pulled back only to look at me......He smiled. Hugged me again. I was breathing okay.......Then, the hugs got a little tight.

"...Nate......We should sit, let's sit down. I want to see your face. Loving the neck, chest.......Really tight arms. But......Face, need to see your eyes. Cool?...." Nate pulled back, grabbed my hand.......Took me to the bench chairs, sat down. Then got me to sit on his lap, not wanting me to leave his sight. Arms went back around me. His eyes were large pool of melted chocolate (Not not the drinking kind!)

He whispered....."your really here.   I've missed you...."          I gently cupped his face.         ".....The doctors said no, Ruth kept changing the subject. Little shaky that women, can't seem to stand too close (Nate looked mildly puzzled, looked back at me. Cheesy grin) "..Mom, well.....umm......Not talking too well with her...."      I looked into his face....."No. I guess, you wouldn't be.    I have been trying to see you.......But......There's been.....Problems....."       Nate nodded earnestly at me, he knew.

Nate wanted to keep talking, looking at me.......But, he really wanted to hold me. Have me with him.     He wanted this moment to last forever.......Maybe, Bloom would have to hold off production, maybe Harper would go and do something really stupid, piss everyone off.......Things would have to go on hold, till she could sort her stupid self out.     He knew that was bad of him to think that way.    And, he definitely didn't want to be thinking about Harper with me here.......In his arms. Waiting to be kissed.

Nate leaned in......Lightly kissed my cheek. Then my lips.      Soft kisses at first, then gently pulled me closer. I could feel my arms go around him.......Somewhere.     I was pulling him closer too......He could feel me relaxing into him.      The only sound that could be heard now, was us kissing.

In the middle of a busy city........A noisy filming studio. This shed was dead quiet.     We were the only sound, to be heard.

Nate looked at me....."Can you come tonight? Would they let you? You haven't come in a while...."       Nate tried to sound casual, but there was pleading in his eyes.

I looked momentarily away......"Remember the numbers thing......I'm going......Down.   Only have a.......Few...."       My voice broke a bit there.       Nate was biting his lip.......Pulled me close, I could feel him rubbing my back.     He was nodding. I looked at him......."But, I'll certainly try. I want to come..." I'd missed him too, nothing at the moment felt right. There just seemed to be this empty space.......Filled with nothingness.

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