On The Job.

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Ruth looked into the mirror......Hair, make-up, uniform. All perfect. This was going to be the best job ever, she was so glad Dr Ellis had chosen her. Ruth then went and sat down at her desk, already her in-tray was full. She picked up the pile of papers......Complaints, incident reports, requests for PRN's......And all to do with patient 346.

Ruth had been warned he was a special case, but by the looks of these reports.....Staff were refusing to work with him. That was a problem.....She couldn't have!

"..Ignatius, your an "issue" for me.....And, by the looks of it. I'll have to spend some time sorting you out..." Nate looked up at her, glared at her...."Fuck off.."
"..Language like that is not acceptable, Thank-you.."

Ruth looked at the nurse standing on the other side of the table....."Has he eaten yet?.."
"Nnnno.....He won't let us.."
"He's restrained! What is the problem, He can't do anything!.." Ruth shook her head. A new batch of nurses had been hired. All tech-savvy, real little book-worms! No hands-on, and shit scared of people like the young man in front of her now. She straightened her shoulders, head held high.

No one scared Ruth. Good heavens no!

"Ruth...Hhhee's scary! It's his eyes.." The nurse just wanted to cry, and was hoping she could just leave the room.

Ruth rolled her eyes, sighed...."Go, just Leave!.."

She turned back to Nate....."You will eat, You will do as you are asked, understand?..."
Nate stared at her.
Ruth pulled a tube from her pocket, it was long and simple looking.

"..We will assist, with your consent.....Or....You will eat, without your consent..."

She showed him the tube......And how long it really was.

"It starts here....At your nose.....And ends there, at your stomach. Understand?.."

".....Come near me. And....I....will....crack.....Your...head.....open. Do You.....understand..."

Nate looked at Ruth.....And gave her a smile.

A smile.....So evil, so dark.......Till the day she dies, Ruth would never.....Forget.

_________________________ £€¥ •••

"I'm going to see Nate...."
"Go to your classes first, then go..."
Audrey gave me a weak smile, she looked tried, her headache hadn't gone. She looked over at me, I looked like a person possessed.

"..Gus is going in today too, meeting with Dr Ellis and Dr Quest..." Audrey kept wincing when she moved in her chair.....She was trying to drink a cup of tea.

"I am NOT being kept away!.." I was talking more to myself at that moment.

I stood up, grabbed my bag...."Hope the headache goes, I've got my phone - call if ANY thing happens!.."

Audrey nodded.....slightly.

_________________________ ¥€£ ~~~~~ •

Ruth wasn't going to be scared by Nate, even though now she did a few deep breaths before she even went any where near him.....And she couldn't seem to stop her hands shaking.

Ruth went and stood just to the side of Nate.

"See Ruby. Just through the doors? She wants to see you...."

Nate turned his head, and looked.....I was waving my hands about, trying very hard not to cry, talking to Dr Ellis. He kept frowning at me.

"...She looks upset. Sad isn't it, a real shame..."

Ruth watched Nate......He's....getting upset, too. (....Well, I never!...)

Nate looked up at Ruth.

"....See, have....to....now....?"
"The devil is pleading...mmm...." She smirked to herself.

"Here's the Deal. Do as asked, no "crazy-eyes"......And she visits. Give me "crazy-eyes".....And, she doesn't!...."

Nate looked back at me....And, nodded.

Doors were unlocked, and I was given an hour to see him.

He was dressed in a long-sleeve top and hospital scrubs (Didn't fit the hospital stuff?...) He was sitting in a chair, restrained. He had bruising around his wrists.....And, a cut lip!

I kept wiping my eyes......Nate's fingers were wriggling for me to hold them, but instead....I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't want to let him go......"We should have run away together. This adult shit sucks!!.."

Nate was nodding.

I could feel him trying to move closer to me......Only an armrest separating us.

"Are you okay?..." I looked at him, Nate shook his head. There were dark shadows under his eyes.......And, he was pouting.

The tears started slipping out of my eyes again. I hugged him again, burying my face into his neck.

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