Star Couple! # CHEESE! # FLASH! #

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Harper was a sweet girl on the outside......But something else on the inside. The only thing Harper and Holland shared were their looks.

There had been discussions on what had happened to Holland.....Answers were still not clear, but the Winters needed to move on. The French family had something they very much wanted. Harper was happy to step up for her family.....She had plans too.

(..Holland would never be forgotten, the family still hoped to get to the bottom of it all.   But, the future must be made the first priority!   The Winters still had Harper.   She would bring home the prize!..)

Harper wanted a movie career.
Things were in place to make this happen, Liz had given details on Nate....The French's looked forward to the union.....The Winters would join the Legacy.

Ignatius French.

Hopefully Ignatius would be apart of that future Harper so really wanted.

Harper looked around the room.....Time to meet Ignatius!        Harper had memorised his details, he better be as Liz had said (Good money had been paid for him..)

She knew what he looked like, very good looking.....A very bright young man too. Harper checked her lipstick, hair.......She dressed for the occasion, elegantly. Of course, with a touch of vintage.    She wanted the pictures that were to be taken......To show her at her best!

He's here!    Okay, tall......Dressed well.   He is cute!

Harper walked towards the small group......Nate smiled. (Those dimples!)      Harper smiled back.      Nate was sex-in-a-suit!

In the car ride to Harper, Nate had been told to : behave, talk, smile....And, if anything happened!

Liz had a box, Nate could come to know very well.

Nate looked at his mother.....Nodded.

He didn't like the sound of the box.

He couldn't feel his body, and his mind.....Was there, some where.

But, Gem.     She was there. Nate smiled......He just needed to think, the bright shiny girl would tell him what to do. The dark shadow was making him worried.

"..Hello everyone, so good to see!        And meet you all!        Come, everything's all set up, We can have drinks first.....Then talk, get to know each other!.."

Harper worked the group like the professional she was.

"Ignatius!       So good to meet you, We have a lot to talk about..."             Harper winked at Nate, smiled, lightly touched his arm......Made sure he had a good to excellent look at her!

"..Come sit with me, your sooo tall...."            Harper was being very gently and helpful towards him, BUT......What could she get him to do?        Oh the fun she was going to have!          He looked a little stiff......But, that was okay, she wasn't interested in his mind.....Too much.        She just needed good PR, fantastic pictures.......And, the word out she was the next up and coming......"Watch this Space!"

Nate talked, laughed.....Got Harper drinks.      Talked some more. Harper had photos taken, wrapped her arm around him, she put his arm around her.....There were kisses on cheeks, looks in eyes!

By the end of the day.......Harper felt, she possibly could have a "romance made in heaven."

"I told you!     He would be fine!      Don't be surprised if they will be married within the year...." Liz smiled at Dr Ellis. He nodded........He looked over at Nate......Nate was frowning, and he looked confused.        The doctor also noted, uncomfortable.   Nate kept shaking his head, was muttering under his breath....Breathing in a swallow manner.   The visit, had had an effect on him.   Not positive.

Later that night.

"What's he doing?.."
"Looking out the window.."
"Why?      Who for?.."
"Nothing, and NO one..."
"He looks sad.."
"No, he dosen't!.."
".....He wants her..."
"NO, He Doesn't!!.."

Ruth knew who Nate was watching for. He'd dragged the chair to the window.....And was watching cars, people coming and going.

Ruth walked up behind him...."Medications, 346..."
"Do we have to..."

Nate turned towards her......His face was angry, his eyes pleading.

Ruth took a deep breath......Took a step closer.

"......You know what will happen..."
"Do it.   Go on!    You want to!...."

Ruth was surprised - Something was wrong here?     She still knew there would be fight.    But, something weird was happening.

She pulled out the syringe, Nate backed away.    Ruth moved closer, Nate looked away.     The needle went in.

He'd had a good day, Dr Ellis had said.   Mother was pleased.     He was doing as told.    Restraints back. The others were getting the message, their visits by appointment only.   By the digression of Dr Ellis and Liz.

Nate was quite.     Angry.

It had only been a day.     What would he be like......In a week?

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