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I went to the hospital early that day......A nurse had called, today was a good day to visit (Or so she was saying. Why would a hospital call to tell to tell me that?) The French family were feeling generous? (Or was Liz feeling generous?...) Well, I certainly wasn't going to knock it back.....Who ever was offering!

I told Audrey, she told me to go first......She would come later, she had some work.....She was going to see Gus. Audrey looked happy......I wanted to keep that feeling for her.

Audrey lent me her car.....Which was good, public transport could be annoying at the best of times. Audrey told me the car would get me there quicker.......I agreed. 

I went to the front desk first, was given a visitors card (strange)......Not for being given one, just that they weren't making a big thing of it.   The nurses always made a point of saying they had to check I was on the list. How many times I had been before......How many visits I had left.        The nurse on that morning even smiled. Small chill went down my back, I put that down to the fact......Maybe  the heating hadn't been turned up yet.

I made my way down the hallways.....Turned corners, and almost ran into Dr Quest......He was extremely happy to see me.......But, it was a short lived look, the smile was quickly replaced with a grim frown, as he spoke to me......His words didn't give anything away, but when I heard the words "hurt"....."medication"....."wrong dose"....."Harper"

The chilled feeling from just a minute ago came right back, and it bought it's friend "sick-feeling" right into the pit of my stomach. Dr Quest went to hold my arm, I must of started to sway a little. "...Ruby, come to my office......I'll explain..."

He sat me in a chair, looked at me......He apologised, said he shouldn't have started the conversation like that. He thought the nurses had already called Audrey, and that I knew........He also thought that's why I had come in so early. I was gripping the chair......A little white in the face. He sat down beside me......Gave me a glass of water, and chance to start breathing again.

"...Harper and Ignatius went to a Theatre Show, I believe. It was a work-related thing........Harper had talked Liz and Ellis into it. From what I can gather somethings happened, the show was good, Nate certainly enjoyed it. There was some picture thing afterwards...." Dr Quest rubbed his head, looked at me.

"...And, what happened.......Next?!..." I was just staring at him.

"...Ignatius was returned to the hospital. There was a fall reported.....I have to re-read the reports, they really don't make sense. Ignatius is fine, I want you to know that first and foremost...." He handed me a tissue. "...You can see him, he wants to see you.....Has been asking..."

I looked at Dr Quest....."We got a call, some nurse was saying it was a good day to visit. No mentioned anything happening to Nate..." I took another sip of the water. Dr Quest shifted in his chair, looked at me.

"...Hospitals don't call to say that...." He was shaking his head. "....Nothing's been right about this whole situation, since it first started......It's been one horror show after another..." We were both silent for a minute, I put the glass down. "...Can I see Nate? How bad is he?..." Dr Quest stood, smiled....."He's sore, a bit bruised.....He's not in pain. I can take you to him...."

Dr Quest looked at me.........I'd grabbed my bag, and was standing. He was still smiling, and trying to keep things light......But, as we left his office......On the way he grabbed files off his desk, and shoved them under his arm. I got the feeling, his day was going to start with some questions.....And, questioning of someone.

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