Let Him Go.

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The Best. Cont.

We walked off down the street......Lily's house was only a street away.

"Audrey said you have to wear this.." I handed him the box.

He frowned at me....."If any one get's scared, it's on your head.."
"No one get's scared! That's...that's....They do, don't they?.."
Nate put it in.....Grinned at me, and nodded. I looked up at him.....And, yes. He was......Scary. But he had to wear it. There was a GOOD reason, I just couldn't remember it!

"...My book states, I should be aware of the children's ware abouts at all times..."

Nate nodded.

(Would be a good idea, Ruby......You shouldn't lose the children, you won't get paid!...)

Nate grinned to himself.

We got to Lily's.........When she opened the front door, she was pleased to see us both.

"Nate! So glad you came! Your out of the house, GOOD! Welcome to this side of the street.....You too, Ruby. I sound weird, don't I.....I'll shut up now..." Lily went pink in the cheeks.

"Thanks!..." I smiled, I knew what she meant.....Audrey had been a bit "over-protective" of Nate since getting him. She wanted him to go out.......But, still worried. People tended to stare a bit. I put it down to his height. But I'm short, guess everyone's taller than me.

Nate smiled. Lily stepped back....Tried not to not make it look obviously, but banging into the wall.....I guess did it.

"Come in!..." She took us down the hallway to the back area of the house, and into their sun room.

"I'm babysitting Flynn at the moment, Mum's younger sister's kid. He's cool.....No prob's actually!..."

Flynn looked up at Nate, smiled.......Walked up to Nate, grabbed his hand...."come......blocks...."

Nate would have declined, but remembered the mouth-guard.....And, followed the child. Flynn just wanted to play blocks, might kill some time for a minute or two.

"I'm practicing.....Or at least trying to get some idea.."

Lily looked over at Nate, then back at me....She shook her head.

"Be nice, Ruby. If I'd known that's what you were up to! He's a smart guy, Ruby. And the shit you put him through, hope Audrey doesn't know. She'll kill you!.."

Lily went to put the jug on....."Ruby, don't use Nate, he'd do anything for you. He doesn't deserve you treating him this way....Things are hard enough for him, without you using him for all your......Whatever "entertains" you next! You've got the book, read it. You can help me with Flynn....And, treat Nate better!..." She gave me a knowing look.

Nate watched us talking....He couldn't hear what we were saying, Flynn was showing him stuff with great enthusiasm.....Flynn had an audience, he was going to make the most of it.

Flynn looked at Nate......The "older" child didn't talk, watched when he said look......Helped, when he needed a hand......Seemed to understand and listen, when he spoke.

Flynn smiled......Nate looked big, but seemed friendly enough....And could share. The last kid he played with took everything off him!

Lily and I bought the cups out, three coffees for the tall people......Fruit juice for Flynn.

"Nate, get over here. Flynn, start putting your toys away.....We're doing lunch in five.."

Flynn hated that job, Would the "other" child help him?

Nate bent down....A few toys wouldn't kill him.

Within two seconds, Nate had joined us.....Flynn was reading himself stories.

"Not drinking?.." Lily looked at Nate.
Nate grinned, showing the mouth-guard.
"Bugger that!.." She looked at me...."Did you make him wear that?! I'm warning you, Ruby..."

"Noooo!...It was Audrey.."
"Oh....okay, then..."

Lily got a puzzled look......"How's he going to eat lunch? I've made pizza.."


"He can have the visit.    It'll be nice for him, seeing them all......We'll make sure he has something before he goes.   Keep him calm, of course.."

Liz smiled to herself first.....Then gave the doctor one of her winning grins.

Every thing was on track, visits were few and far between.....People were coming, but having her in the room.   It was working like a charm.....A real mood killer. Nate was always pleased to see us.....Then his face would drop when he realised we wouldn't say much, and we were looking over at her.     She wasn't stopping us from talking, far from it.

"Let Him Go!    Let Him have some FUN!.."      Liz was having fun thinking about it.

Dr Ellis looked at Liz.......She was taking this better than he thought. He had been expecting a little anger, annoyance........Her not being able to be here (controlling everything)

But, here she was standing in front him of......"Grinning."

"You want to "give" something?    His behaviour's been fine, nurses haven't reported anything..."

"He saw her at the library.....Ruth wasn't sure..." Liz's eyes narrowed.

"I want to leave him with one last memory of them.....The fact he can't!      He'll be well behaved, perfect in every way......And he won't remember a thing, like the event never happened!.."          Liz sat in the chair, in front of the doctors desk.

"Did you know he blew up the toilet at our house once....Ran off to his friends. There was (Liz shudders)...GOD, I can't even describe what it was that came out of that thing!      The guys and I were lucky the toilet was just off the back of the house..."

Dr Ellis could see liz's happy face was disappearing.......It was being replaced by look, he'd been waiting for.

"I also once found a small photo book in one of the space rooms......Ignatius thought he'd hidden it soooo well! It had photos of them......All smiling up at me.......He likes us better!
I don't blame him, but he wasn't keeping it!.."
"You took it off him?.." Dr Ellis could see she was talking to him......but, she was also some where in the past.

"I gave it to Max.......And, when Ignatius finally returned home, I told him to go to the back yard. Max had a surprise for him..."

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