A Phone/A Bit Pale.

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I grinned at Nate. He was looking at me from across the table.....Head resting on folded arms.

"You can have my phone, call me if you need to, or if you want to..."                I pushed my phone in front of him, he looked at it.....Then back to me.

"You can answer it.   Actually...Maybe not.    You might get someone who shouldn't be calling..."        I looked at him.

"Call if there are any calls......Don't answer.   Let it go to voice messages..."           I nodded to myself.

Nate was listening.

He gave me an innocent look....... He just wanted me to keep talking for as long as possible, he didn't want me to go to work (Out the door, or any where!)

He sat up......Held out his arm, beckoning me with his eyes, pointed to his lap......Grinned slyly at me. (....Stay Ruby, you don't have to leave....)

"Nate!     Don't do THAT!!...."            I was starting to weaken, I moved to his side of the table. I shouldn't do that.      If he reaches for me, I'll stay......And he knows it.

Nate pouted at me......He did reach for me.     Fingers wiggling.
(....Come closer, said the praying mantis to the ladybug....)

"..No!   I have to go, or I'll have no job!..."

Nate sat back in the chair, and turned his head. (Your no fun at all! go...)

"Nate, I'll be back soon.....You have Molly till then..." I tried to sound perky.

Nate still looked away.

I went and stood beside him, I'll kiss him good-bye, touched his shoulder. And......DAM......He had me!
Arms went around me, holding tight.....Kissed to the lips, neck, hands grabbing my behind.

As I buried my face into his neck (Shit! He good!)......Get's me every time!

Molly walked into the room.

"Unhand Ruby, Nate. She'll be late for work!.." She was laughing, with hands on her hips. Nate pulled a face.

"Work called and said she didn't need to go..." Nate tried, Molly shook her head.

"No. Ruby, go!..." Molly walked over to the cupboard, and looked inside.

Nate unwound his arms, looked at me. I had to leave, I needed to catch a bus......And, he knew it!

He was reluctant to let me go. And watched me as I walked out the front door.

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Dolls In Bed.

"What's wrong with Nate?.."
"He's not feeling too good, Liz wanted to keep him back. I told her not a chance, I'm his father.....He's still visiting..."

Eddie and Gus looked at each other, then Nate.....Who was in his father's arms, head resting on his shoulder. Nate smiled at Gus.

"......i'm sick...."
Gus grinned back......"We should put you to bed, let you rest..."
"......nooo!......stay with dad!.."
"You heard him..."
"He looks thin..."

Eddie grimaced a bit.

Audrey walked up to the three of them, looked at Eddie.....Then looked at Nate.

I'm calling a doctor.." She smiled, but gave Eddie annoyed raised eye brow. Liz would do any thing to ruin the visits (Her and Violet had done their worst this time) And making Nate sick, this just topped the list......But Audrey kept her words in check.

"I'll put him to bed, he's so white in the face!.."

Audrey reached her arms out for Nate, who was removed from his reluctant father....To her.

Nate put a small arm around her neck, and let Audrey take him to a bedroom so she could put him to bed. He liked Audrey, she was careful with him....He always felt safe.

With both her and his father.


I pushed open the door, the bed was so high......Dragged over a chair, climbed on top.

There he was!......He looked sad, upset.

Maybe if I smiled, that might help....Raspberry and Lissa liked to be smiled at......And hugged.

So, that was my plan. When they were unwell......Small hug and light conversation, it worked well for them. It would work for Nate too.

I crawled on to the bed......Went close to the pillows, pulled back the blankets.

Gently moved, pulled him on to my lap.....Mostly head and shoulders, put my arms around him.....And hugged.

That should do it.....He'll be fine now, we can go outside.

Nate looked at me, moved in closer....Put his hand into one of mine, closed his eyes again.

I wonder what kind of doll he is?

I always had him down as an "Activity...Book-reader...Sometimes out-doors type...Water-proof...Slight conversation, general interest" kind of doll. Safe for me to have.

I looked down at him......Maybe he was "High-care, speciality....Very expensive, maybe only Eddie and Audrey were allowed to have him" kind.

What if he breaks easily! (Audrey would be sooo angry!) They would take him away, and I wouldn't be allowed him any more. Mum would be upset too....She might cry. I found her once, after she had been talking on the phone, doing just that.

Barbie was never this much trouble!

Nate's eyes would open.....I was still there, just looking at him. I looked concerned. I would try to shut his eyes.....I would talk to him, about school, my mother.

Nate would hold my fingers.....He'd smile at me.....I was delighted he could do that.....And, by himself (?)

Of course he could!......He was one of those smart dolls. Eddie and Audrey wouldn't have a stupid one.

(Why do they have a doll? The thought sometimes came to me. Maybe for me? I'd have to ask. Not now)

Nate did wonder why I thought of him as a doll? Maybe his father....Or Audrey might know why, but really....He didn't care!

Nate looked at me again, he wasn't talking.....I was telling him about a girl at school, who had just been given a baby brother.

The baby looked small with adults, big with us kids. We all were allowed to look at him. No loud noises. No touching.......The girl (his sister) would hold his hand, he would look at her.....I looked at Nate.

He wasn't one of those?.....NO. I'd seen a baby!....I know!

(.....I'd been to his birthday.....)

He was a doll. Had to be.

But, kids have birthdays. Dolls?

"Would you like a story?.....I don't have a book.....but, I can make one up!

Nate nodded. He looked pleased. His eyes were sparkly!.....Small dimples in his cheeks.

He was looking at me intently.....Still holding my hand.

"There was this park.....and a round-a-bout, and it was fast and easy to get on to.....and there was a lot of kids, but they were too scared to......"

Nate moved closer.....Listening. This was going to get good. Nate knew my "stories" well.....No books contained my tales!

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