Fall from Grace.

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As Nate climbed the stairs, to head off to bed - He decided, I would be going to the doctors tomorrow. And, we'd be talking to them properly. As much as he didn't like doctors, hospitals. Any thing of that nature!

(Some what ironic considering his studies and what him, Riley and Molly got up to!)

He wasn't going to let happen, what had happened to my mother.

He walked into my room, tried to be as quiet as possible......Could just make out my small figure in bed. He pulled off his top, jeans, kicked off his runners...Pulled off his socks. Slowly tugged the covers back. I stir slightly......"nate?.."

"....just going to bed..."

"....mmm....don't snore..."

(He didn't really....I did!)

Nate lay down beside me, wrapped the covers around the both of us....Putting one arm lightly around me. I let out a deep breath.....And finally fell asleep. I always felt safe with Nate.

3:30am......The dead hour. It is said, if your going to pass on. It happens in the early hours of the morning. The body is at it's most relaxed state.


A small hand takes me outside to a park.....Walks me up to a round-about.

"Get on, Ruby!...I'll push.."

Around and around we go....To where, no one knows!

The round-about is suddenly hot.....Very hot, I can't hang on (I have to get off!)      My shadow friend is gone!.....I start to cry. I get off the round-about, and fall towards.......HIM.        He's tall, dressed in black.......Black dark, hollow eyes. Large hands reaching!! There's yelling....I'm so scared now!

"....GET HER!!!.."



I'm sitting up in bed, pushing, hitting Nate.....I jump out of bed. Running full speed out of the room, down.

Down the stairs!

Now, I'm just laying there.

I don't feel good, at all. I feel sore! A hit to the head.   Throbbing sore!

Audrey heard the thud, and bang as I fell down the stairs, Nate couldn't get down them quick enough.

"Nate!     What's happened?!!.."

Nate was bending over me, trying to pick/prop me up. He looked up at Audrey, sheer panic spreading across his face..."She was crying, pushing me!   Ran out of the room, fell.     Now...Now this!!.."            Nate looked back down at me....."This is not...good!.."

Audrey quickly grabbed the phone and started dialling.

"Hello, Ambulance please, now....Unconscious, yes.      No response?    No...." Audrey continue to talk, question after question. Trying to reassure Nate as well, also watching me in Nate's arms.

Nate was beside himself, I was floppy.....No response. I was breathing...But, that seemed to be it. Even though it was only minutes....Nate couldn't stop the panIced feeling, he wanted to look at Audrey.      But, he was scared if he looked away.....I might to decide to stop breathing.

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