A Ticking Watch.

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George sat in the doctor's office.

This is what he was sent to do :

- Mental Health of Ignatius : discuss and be sure he was of sound mind.
- Fix Ignatius, if he was nuts!
- Tell Ignatius what was going to happen next.
- Tell the family he was returning with him.
- Book a ticket back to England.
- Take Ignatius back with him.

(.....All very straight forward, and simple...)

This is what George wanted to do :

- Tell Edith, he loved her. Maybe they could go back to England, or he could stay here?
- Talk to me......He knew I was a good hearted person.....Make the "bridging" happen, that he'd mentioned. Get Nate and I together.
- Get to know Nate. There was something within Nate, he understood.
- Mend cold feelings, we had of the French family on a whole.
- Get Gus and Audrey together. He had a good feeling about those two, and Eddie would have approved.

(...Showing a side of himself, no one would believe...)

But......He had to be tough, awful....And mean. That's what we expected of him.

He would ask the questions.......Make us all think the worse. He already knew the answers......Like, why Nate struggled with a knife and fork?     He just had to look at Nate's wrists for that answer. It was all written in the case files!

George had to gain verbal/written accounts....Account for actions done/force used. It could be a distressing visit......But, he hoped to change that.

Like me, he didn't like the amount of pills and injections Nate had had to live through....(It was a miracle, Nate was still standing)....And, it had to stop. George also wounded how it had effected him? And, Nate's connection to Erin?

(George felt Erin's presence too)

Questions!......TOO Many!

"Mr French!.....Good to meet you..."

George stood, and the two men shook hands.

".....I've heard not a lot about you, But Gus has told me some things..."

"No, I'm guessing not much has been said....I do plan to make my visit pleasant, but.....We'll see...".  George smiled.
"Gus and Audrey should be here any minute......Actually, I hear them now..."

Dr Quest welcomed the group, and offered seats......Polite conversation was exchanged.

"Where is Ignatius and Ruby.....They were told to be here by one.."

Audrey nodded......"They were told. Hope they're not stuck in traffic..."

"We'll give them till ten past..."

George looked at his watch...."Can't really start without them....But, I could.   Might be easier actually..."

Suddenly the room was quite, the one thing no one wanted to hear could be just said, he was going to take Nate.....And, possibly me.

George cleared his throat.

".....His mental state?    Broken?.....or.....Workable?.."

Dr Quest looked at George, and in his most professional voice....."In sound health.    He just has to stay off the drugs, away from certain members of his family.....And, their unsavoury associates...."

"Straight to the point.    I am very impressed!     Can I request Ignatius to have a blood test?    There are still some questions......And, random interests...."

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