C ~ I ~ First day🪴

264 8 10

Word Count: 1279

POV (point of view): First person

Y/d/n = Your Deadname, L/n = (your) Lastname, Y/n = Your (preferred) name.

Also, I use 24-hour clock instead of the 12 hour, for example I use 14:29 instead of 2:49 pm. And for anyone who doesn't know, for things like am, it's a 0 before the number, like 07:26. Thanks :]

Another thing, I don't really have any photos to use for the images at the beginning of the chapters so just have random photos of my aunts cat I guess-

June 14th, 2011

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. 05:25, I groaned as I sat up and smacked the source of noise with my pillow. As I got up and stretched I couldn't help but get excited at the fact I was beginning my new job today. Meaning I was going to Meet the people I'd be working with.

I raced to get dressed as I soon realized I have 2 more hours until I would even head to my new job. I heard my phone ding from across the room and walked over to it. I unlocked it and was met with a message from one of my soon-to-be co-workers; Claire Dearing. I sat down as I read the message aloud in my head.

Claire Dearing: "Hello Y/d/n L/n! I am very excited to have you working with us here at Jurassic World. I hope you enjoy your stay and don't get injured during any interactions. Sorry for the paragraph, can't wait to see you when you come in today!"

I sighed as I read the beginning. 'Y/d/n' rang in my ears as I set my phone in its original position, still on and face up. Why don't I just tell her? It's not like it's the end of the world.. I groaned and picked my phone back up, cursing myself as I began to type.

Y/n L/n: "Hello Claire! It's wonderful to be working with you as well and I hope this doesn't bother you at all but I actually have a different name I'd like to be called by, along with a set of pronouns that aren't She/Her. I hope that's fine with you, if not, I completely understand I hope it won't effect anything between us."

I hesitated over the send button for a few minutes before pressing it by accident. I slightly panicked as I set my phone down again. Another ding was heard as I was about to stand up. Sighing once more, I grabbed my phone and read through Claire's response.

Claire Dearing: "Oh, I apologize on my behalf! I'm completely fine with you being Trans, if thats what you label yourself as that is, and could you possibly tell me what your preferred name is, along with pronouns? I will try to get them changed in the system but if not, then I will just inform anyone you'll be working with, if you're comfortable with that, that is. Or if you would like to tell them yourself, go ahead."

A sigh of relief came out of my mouth, I slightly smiled as I typed back.

Y/n L/n: "Don't apologize, it isn't your fault. I really appreciate your acceptance, seeing as most people don't take lightly to it.. My preferred name is Y/n and my pronouns are He/Him; Thank you again for accepting me."

Claire Dearing: "Alright, thank you for trusting me with this information, I will try getting it changed in the system. Have a wonderful morning, I will see you soon!"

I smiled and set my phone down again, turning it off unlike last time. What could I do for around 2 hours? Getting up, I looked around my room for any sort of activity. I smiled as I noticed my sketchbook sticking out of my backpack slightly. As I opened the book, flipping a couple pages, and leaning back; yet another ding was heard from my phone- or two actually.

I sat up and rolled my eyes, stretching from my spot to grab my phone. I unlocked it once more and read the new message from another number.

Henry Wu: "Hello, my name is Henry Wu, but you may call me Dr.Wu. I'm the main person you'll be working with during your stay here. I just received a message from one of my co-workers saying that you'd like to be addressed by Y/n, and go by He/Him, and not what's in the system."

Then the second message-

Henry Wu: "Is this correct? I'm completely fine with it, I just wanted confirmation from you."

I chuckled softly as I began typing again, stopping immediately as I saw it was 06:48 already. I groaned and got up, continuing to type as I walked towards my door.

Y/n L/n: "Hello Dr.Wu! As you know I am Y/d/n or Y/n but the information you were given is correct. I didn't want to say anything when I was in the interview because I wasn't sure if that'd effect my chance of getting the position."

I grabbed my keys and made sure I had everything on me. As I felt through my pockets I whispered each item a few times.

"Wallet...Keys..Mask...Pocket Knife..Phone..Yup, all good." I sighed as I unlocked my door, feeling a ding from my pocket once more.

I waited until I was down by the main part of the park to grab my phone from my pocket, which was about 5 minutes.

Henry Wu: "Ah, okay. Thank you for the information, I will address you as Y/n and He/Him pronouns. I'll see you in 15 minutes, if you get lost let me know and I'll come find you, also feel free to call me Henry- no need for Dr.Wu."

I smiled and put my phone back into my pocket before checking the time. 07:21, 9 minutes, almost just as he said. I raced towards the place I'd been informed the lab was located in. I panted as I reached the lab halls, trying to catch my breath.

"Ah, Y/n! You're..3 minutes early." I heard someone announce from behind me, making me jump.

"Hello..Sorry one second." I coughed slightly as I steadied my breathing.

I proped my arm against a wall as I continued heavily breathing.

"Did you seriously run?" They chuckled as I walked over to them.

"Possibly.. Wait who are you again?" I asked.

"My apologies, we've talked over text- I'm Henry Wu, or Dr.Wu. I'll be, I guess you could say your boss. You'll be pretty much working with me and maybe a few others, but not in the lab with said others that is."

"So just you and me? Until I start working with others but it'd just be you and me working together?"

He nodded and walked over to keypad, pressing his thumb on it and opening the door to his lab. He waited by the door and gestured me to come in. I hesitantly walked over and entered his lab. As I looked around, pretty amazed at the sight, Henry sat down at his desk and crossed his arms. I slowly walked around the room, not realizing Henry's gaze was stuck upon me.

"Got any..questions?" Henry spoke as I walked over to his desk and stood on the other side of it.

"Not really." I shrugged, slightly smiling.

"Well then, how about we get started with the basics then?"


'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now