C ~ XXXVI ~ Failed Attempts 😬🎂

14 1 50

Word Count: 940

POV (point of view): Third person

The silly little worms are speaking to me and told me to make this a baking chapter so it may be shorter >=)

We also got some more of German Y/n, once again using Google Translate cuz I don't wanna screw anything up so hopefully nothing is incorrect (its google translate so it probably is-), and duolingo can kiss my ass 🥰

December 18th, 2013

"Stop throwing that shit at me!" Owen yelled, trying to move further away from Y/n. (Damn, first sentence in and I already need autocorrect for every word 😭)

"If you won't let me and Claire put make-up on you, this is what I'll resort to!" Y/n chuckled, throwing another handful of glitter at Owen, actually hitting him this time.

"Oh, you fucking bitch!"

"You're the only one with a problem, the raptors love it!"

"Do not let them eat that."

"It's fine, it's too small for them to really eat anyways."

"If you get one of them killed because of this damn glitter, I will kill you."

"Mhm, whatever buttface."

Before officially putting the glitter away, he grabbed a handful and ran at Owen, who started freaking out. Y/n grabbed him and dumped the glitter over his head, covering a pretty good amount of Owen with glitter.

"Oh, I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Owen shook his head, grabbing Y/n.

"Sheiße! Nein, Owen, lass mich gehen! (Shit! No, Owen, let me go!)" Y/n yelled, kicking Owen in an attempt at getting out of his grasp.

"Nope, come on, I'm feeding you to the raptors!"

One of said raptors (cough cough, baddie Delta) was behind Owen, tilting her head at the two. Being the menace she is, she lowered herself and jumped on Owen, causing both him and Y/n to get trapped under Delta.

"Fucking hell, not again." Owen groaned, trying to get Delta off him but failing.

"This is what you get for saying you were gonna feed them one of their favorite people!" Y/n chuckled, freaking out again when Owen glared at him.

Eventually, Delta got bored and decided to stop torturing the two and go bother her sisters instead. Y/n quickly stood up and distanced himself from Owen, preparing himself to run if needed. But, Owen didn't start chasing him again, just headed for the gate instead; and not wanting to be eaten, Y/n quickly followed him.

"I'll see you later." Y/n nodded, grabbing his bag and heading for the lab.

When he finally got to the lab, irritated voices were heard from inside the room; Hoskins and Henry's voices. Y/n sighed before slowly opening the door and peeking his head in, trying to figure out where the two were.

"I'm already working on everything else you and Simon have asked me to. Could you maybe let me finish a few of those before you come demanding some stupid project you want me to start for you?" Henry groaned, walking over to his desk and sitting down.

"It'll hardly take you any time to finish, especially with how talented you are in this sort of thing. Just fit it into your schedule or something." Hoskins stood next to Henry's chair for a brief moment before leaving, glaring at Y/n on his way out.

Y/n rolled his eyes slightly once he was gone, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to Henry and wrapped his arms around him, startling him a bit.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" Henry asked, getting up from his chair to hug Y/n.

"I'm alright, was throwing glitter at Owen and got trapped under Delta. I take it you aren't doing the best right now?" Y/n kissed Henry's cheek, hugging him slightly tighter.

"Not really, honestly.."

"Would it make you feel any better if we made a cake?"

"I'd love to but I've got a bunch of things I need to–"

"We can worry about that later, come on."

Y/n grabbed Henry's hand and dragged him out of the lab, heading right back to the living quarters. He made Henry sit down at the table while he looked for a cake mix box.

"How and why do you just have those?" Henry smiled when Y/n finally found one.

"Incase something like this happens, or I just feel like baking I guess, it's a passion." Y/n shrugged, grabbing the ingredients he needed "Would you like to help?"

"Sure, why not."

Henry didn't do much but mostly stood behind Y/n with his arms around his waist. Y/n ended up having to guide Henry over to the bed so they weren't standing the whole time the cake was baking. It nearly ended up burning however since Henry ended up falling asleep and wouldn't let Y/n move. He decided to just let Henry sleep and left the pan on the stove to cool down.

He went back over to lie down with Henry and was immediately being squeezed by him. Y/n sighed and kissed Henry's forehead before closing his eyes and resting his head ontop of Henry's; whispering an 'I love you' in German to him even though he couldn't hear it (Ich liebe dich, I'm pretty sure-), before falling asleep a few moments later.


The worms are happy I wrote this, hopefully they won't haunt my sleep for some time now 😨

Now that I read this back over, the title doesn't make much sense but whatever 💀

Yeah uh anyways, hope yall enjoyed, have a great day/night!

-jupiter? 💜

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