C ~ LI ~ Check-In/Up 🦖❓️

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Word Count: 423

POV (point of view): Third person

Short chapter, so is the next one, I didn't want to delete them but I'm sorry for having them be so short-

July 5th, 2015

"Come on, Diox, just— go in the cage—" Y/n grunted, trying to push the spinosaurid into the transporting cage her sister was in.

It was 'check-up' day... but because the spinosaurus' were carnivorous, they had to be examined in cages, like any other carnivore. Usually they'd be sedated, but y/n didn't like that thought, and besides— the girls weren't trying to hurt anyone, they never did it intentionally.

The lady watched Y/n struggled with the juvenile, honestly she was struggling to not laugh at him. After finally getting the door shut and locked, Y/n huffed, backing away so she could get started with the check-up. Cyn was pretty good, like usual, just sat there while the woman did simple things like vitals. The dinosaur was curious, but cooperated. Diox however... she was never purposely violent towards anyone, surprisingly given how aggressive her kind is supposed to be, but she nearly tore off the woman's hand a few times.

Y/n thanked her profusely, walking out with her after he let the girls out, since he'd be going to see Henry now anyways. They split ways and he quickly got to the lab. When he came in, Henry was off to the side doing something at a counter, but he didn't even bat an eye when his lover came on.

"Hi pretty boy." Y/n smiled, coming up behind Henry and going to hug him, but he pushed him away.

The smile quickly disappeared from his face when Henry did that, he still didn't look at him or anything.

"Henry?" Y/n softly spoke, cautiously putting a hand on his shoulder

"What?!" Henry grumbled, shrugging his hand off.

Y/n was taken aback, Henry never did this before— even when he didn't want to be touched, like if he was overwhelmed or overstimulated. His hand fell back to his side before he crossed his arms and sighed.

"What's the matter?"

Henry scoffed, shaking his head, finally looking at him, "What's wrong? What's—" he cut himself off, sighing and moving over to hug Y/n, "I'm sorry baby, I'm just... I'm really stressed right now."

"Can I help?"


Again, sorry for the short chapter, I'm running out of ideas and honestly just want to get to writing the big chapter.

Love you guys,

-Jupiter <3

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