C ~ XII ~ Scars and a Night at the Bar 🩹🍻

73 2 72

Word Count: 1445

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last name.

This chapter was a pain to try and write cuz it kept deleting itself and it wasn't saving so yeah-

Also sorry about the delay with uploading, school started for me and I've had no motivation for writing this =/

July 20th, 2012

It had been yet another day where Y/n was helping Owen out in the Raptor pen. Today, they were in the bigger pen, trying to get the Raptors used to it. They actually seemed to enjoy it as far as Y/n and Owen could tell. Charlie and Echo were playing on the other side where Owen and Blue were- Blue who was rubbing against Owen's leg; only leaving to go investigate something.

Delta, on the other hand- was looking around the area Y/n was sitting. Delta seemed to just be investigating but since Y/n was so focused on the two raptors playing, he didn't notice Delta slowly creeped up on him.

Owen had turned around as Delta pounced at Y/n's arm, clawing and attempting to bite it. It took Y/n a moment to register what was happening before he tried gently knocking Delta off his arm- as to not hurt her at all. Owen quickly ran over and helped Y/n move away from Delta.

"You okay?" Owen asked, grabbing something from his pocket.

"Yeah, yeah- I'll be fine" Y/n nodded, sighing and trying to not look at the scars Delta left on his non-dominant arm.

"You're a bad liar, c'mon." Owen chuckled, putting his arm out for Y/n and helped him stand up.

"What about the raptors?" Y/n asked, walking alongside Owen.

"They'll be fine. It gives them more time to adjust to the new pen." Owen shrugged. "You should head back to the lab- or your living quarters. I'll finish up with the raptors."

"You sure?" Y/n sighed, picking up his bag from the stairs.

"Mhm, be safe." Owen smiled, patting Y/n on the back before going back inside the Raptor pen.

Once Y/n reached the lab, he opened the door to Henry's lab and walked in. Henry -not asleep for once- was reading over something at his desk. Y/n was happy he hadn't noticed him walk in yet, not wanting him to worry. He set his bag down by the door and looked back at Henry.

"You're back early." Henry hummed, not looking away from whatever it was he was reading.

"Mhm, Owen told me to head back early because..something happened." Y/n sighed, trying to sneak past Henry to grab bandages.

"What happened?" Henry asked, finally looking up with concern on his face.

"Just Delta acting up, nothing out of the ordinary.." Y/n hid his arm as he grabbed the bandages.

"What happened." Henry asked, more seriousness in his tone.

"Delta was being too playful and got my arm a little bit, nothing to worry about." Y/n rolled his eyes, moving to Henry who was now standing.

"Let me see." Henry sighed, crossing his arms.

"I said you didn't have to worry, I can wrap it up myself." Y/n groaned, trying to walk past Henry but he grabbed Y/n's arm and pushed him back.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now