C ~ XIV ~ "Dont leave yet..Please.." 🫂

47 5 11

Word Count: 831

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last name.

Funny thing about me writing these, I literally don't have a real plot for it, I'm just writing whatever at this point lol.

Sorry it's short =/

August 12th, 2012

Y/n was sat in his usual spot on Henry's desk while Henry busied himself with work. He was starting to concern Y/n with how much he was working, he barely took time off for himself.

Y/n's focus was on a report him and Owen had to write about the Raptors for Vic (aka bitchface 😒). But, that focus was quickly shifted to something else when a sigh was heard from Henry.

"You okay, love?" Y/n asked, setting the papers down.

"I'm fine, Y/n." Henry mumbled, resting his head against the desk.

"I know you aren't alright, do you wanna talk about it?" Y/n moved his hand to Henry, putting it in his hair.

"I'm alright..Just.." Henry lifted his head up and looked at Y/n.

"Would you like to go with me somewhere?" Y/n interrupted Henry while he was in thought.

"Darling, you know I have work to do.." Henry sighed once more, sitting up straighter in his chair. (Even though in this fanfic that mfer ain't straight 👀)

"Yeah, and you need a break, Henry." Y/n gave him a half smile, standing up and grabbing Henry's forearm.

"Love, not now.." Henry closed his eyes as Y/n kept tugging on his forearm, slowly making him stand up.

"Yes, now." Y/n kissed Henry's cheek, finally getting him to stand up. "Follow me, please."

Y/n moved his hand down Henry's arm and to his hand, holding it tightly. He smiled before leading Henry out of the lab and through the park, towards the Gyrosphere area.

Once arriving, Y/n gestured to the Gyrosphere that was just sitting there. Henry sighed, climbing into the vehicle and buckling himself. Y/n joined him shortly after, not bothering to buckle himself as the door to the Gyrosphere closed.

Y/n moved his hand over to the gear and started driving the Gyrosphere. Henry leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes.

When they reached the spot Y/n had shown Henry months prior, they both got out and sat down by the pond. Henry leaned against Y/n, his head against Y/n's shoulder. Y/n smiled and leaned his head ontop of Henry's, moving an arm around him.

"I love you." Y/n closed his eyes.

"I love you too.." Henry muttered, relaxing against Y/n.

"Please start taking more breaks.." Y/n sighed, rubbing Henry's arm.

"I'll try but you know how it is around here.." Henry shook his head slightly.

The two just sat there in silence for a while, just letting themselves have a (very deserved) break from everything.

Y/n eventually stood up, taking Henry with him. Henry gave him a confused look as Y/n led him back to the Gyrosphere.

"That was short..any specific reason?" Henry asked, getting in and buckling himself again.

"You'll see." Y/n smiled, watching as the door to the Gyrosphere rolled closed and the vehicle came alive.

"God, I hate when you say that.. But at the same time, I love it so much.." Henry shook his head, grinning slightly.

Y/n drove them back to the exit and got out, holding a hand out for Henry, who quickly grabbed it. He led them back to the living quarters and unlocked the door.

Henry walked in first and Y/n shut the door behind them, taking off his boots. Henry lied down on the bed, Y/n soon joining him.

He shifted over a bit and wrapped his arms around Henry, pulling him against Y/n. Henry sighed, relaxing I'm Y/n's embrace.

"I love you so much.." Y/n muttered in Henry's ear, resting his head on Henry's shoulder.

"I love you too, baby.." Henry muttered, closing his eyes.

"Please get some rest, okay?" Y/n kissed Henry's neck, letting go of him and sitting up.

"Wait.." Henry rolled over and grabbed Y/n's arm as he went to stand up.

"Darling, I just have to run and grab the papers from the lab. I'll be back soon, get some sleep." Y/n offered a comforting smile.

"Don't leave yet..please.." Henry sat up, moving over by Y/n.

Y/n hesitated as he sat back down, sighing slightly. Henry smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around Y/n, pulling him down as he lied down again.

"Thank you.." Henry muttered against Y/n's neck.

"No problem, Love.." Y/n rested his head ontop of Henry's, shutting his eyes.

Henry closed his eyes too, sighing against Y/n's neck. Y/n moved his arms around Henry, rubbing his back. Both of them falling asleep not long after.


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