C ~ XIX ~ Re-matches 🃏

32 1 45

Word Count: 1329

POV (point of view): First person

October 12, 2012

"Y/nn" Owen groaned, still knocking on the door.

"Oh my God, if you don't shut him up I'm gonna feed both of you to the Indominus Rex." Henry mumbled, rolling over as Y/n got up.

"Whatever, sleeping beauty." Y/n rolled his eyes, opening the door as Owen went to start knocking again. "What do you want, dumbass?"

"I got two questions for you." Owen smiled, leaning against the doorway.

"Make it quick before I seriously kill you." Y/n sighed, crossing his arms.

"Okay, so, since it's been quite a while since our group..and henry.. have played Uno or gone to the bar, I wanted to ask if you guys would like to go tonight. Also, I was curious if you could help get Whiskey back into the valley." Owen asked, getting a glare from Y/n.

"Yes to both of those questions but did you seriously have to fucking pound on the door this early just to ask?" Y/n shook his head, glancing over to Henry, who had already fallen back asleep.

"Well I wanted to ask before I forgot, sorry." Owen shrugged "Anyways, I'll see you later, meet me at the medbay around 14:40."

"Yeah, okay, bye." Y/n shut the door and walked back over to the bed, lying back down and wrapping his arms around Henry's waist.

"What'd he want?" Henry asked, rolling over and resting his head against Y/n's shoulder.

"Something with taking Whiskey back to the valley and if we wanted to join him, Barry, and Claire at the bar and play uno." Y/n shook his head.

"Mm..I don't mind going, I think I should be done with what I'm working on today anyways so, win-win I guess." Henry sighed.

"Well, don't get too comfortable, we technically have to get up in 10 minutes anyways so.." Y/n chuckled when Henry groaned.

"I'm literally going to kill someone and it's going to be you or Owen." Henry rolled over again and stood up.

"You love me too much to do that, we both know that much." Y/n smiled, standing up as well.

"Mm, sure, you're an exception.. sometimes.." Henry shrugged.

[Insert an epic time skip to 2:40 here 😎]

"Okay, c'mon Whiskey.." Y/n guided Whiskey outside while Owen was waiting in the jeep to take her back to the valley.

"Still think she should be put in the enclosure for baby dinosaurs instead of straight back to the valley." Owen shrugged, watching Y/n struggle to push Whiskey into the back seat.

"I don't want any nasty kids touching her, I'm okay." Y/n rolled his eyes, sitting next to Whiskey "Let's go, before I change my mind and put you in the baby dino enclosure."

Owen didn't respond, he just drove off too the valley, at the spot where they found Whiskey. When they got there, Whiskey was already asleep on Y/n's legs like before and Owen had to help Y/n get her off and out.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now