C ~ XVIII ~ Dumb Names 😹🦖

31 0 40

Word Count: 2604

POV (point of view): Third Person

Aight babes, I'm back again, sorry I keep spacing out the time for updating, I've been pretty busy with personal things and writers block (kinda the reason I posted the previous chapter-) but hopefully my writing hasn't gotten worse-

September 30th, 2012

"Henry?" Y/n called out, looking around Henry's lab room.

"Over here, sweetheart." Henry answered, waving a hand around the corner.

Y/n smiled and walked over to him, setting his bag down on the desk beforehand. He came up behind Henry and wrapped his arms around his waist, earning a hum from Henry.

"What're you working on?" Y/n asked, peering over Henry's shoulder.

"No idea." Henry chuckled, turning his head slightly to look at Y/n.

"Anything I could help with?" Y/n kissed Henry's cheek before putting his head back on his shoulder.

"Not sure you'd have any idea how to fix this.." Henry mumbled, pulling a paper out and lying it out for Y/n to see.

"What the fuck is that thing?!" Y/n straightened his posture, still holding Henry (even tho neither of these mfers are straight 😬).

"One of the first hybrids I made an attempt at, the Scorpious Rex," Henry sighed, turning back to whatever else he was doing "Simon said it wasn't very.. eye-pleasing so it'd be better to fix its appearance. I don't see how looks are the only thing that matters to him in dinosaurs, it's more of what they can do honestly."

"Hm.. I'm not too good with genetics like you are but I could have a crack at it sometime, only if that's alright with you." Y/n shrugged.

"I don't mind, I could give you some knowledge on it, I suppose." Henry smiled, setting down whatever he was working on and turning around to face Y/n.

"Mk, nerd." Y/n kissed Henry's head before letting him go and walking over to his bag. "I got something for you though."

"Oh really? I swear if you got another fucking bug to throw at me, I will seriously feed you to Mosa." Henry chuckled, leaning back against the table.

"I can't promise anything." Y/n mumbled, hiding the thing behind his back.

"I'm not joking, I will take you over there right now mister." Henry pointed a finger at Y/n as he walked closer.

"You'll live, you did last time." Y/n leaned forwards a bit so he was at eye-level with Henry (this fucker is SHORT).

"Yeah, barely!" Henry smacked Y/n's arm.

"Hey! Be nice or you don't get your gift!" Y/n chuckled, kissing Henry's forehead.

"You know I don't know the meaning of the word." Henry rolled his eyes and Y/n raised an eyebrow, standing up straight now (again, these hoes ain't straight 🙄).

"Is that so? What about the times-" Y/n smirked as Henry went red.

"OKAY, OKAY! Do what you wanted to do now I guess." Henry huffed, his face still red.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now