C ~ XXIX ~ Cooking 🍳🔪

14 1 21

Word Count: 882

POV (point of view): Third person

June 31st, 2013

"Hey! Delta, quit that!" Y/n chuckled, trying to stop Delta from destroying yet another pair of Owen's boots.

"Damn raptors.." Owen grumbled, attempting to walk away but ended up tripping over Charlie.

"I think they heard you, Owen."

"Shut up, whore."

"Learned from the best."

"You better hope these girls don't let me get up."


Y/n bolted the other way the second Owen started getting up, beginning to chase him around the pen the second he was able to stand. The Raptors just kinda watched from the side, confused and curious as to what the hell these two idiots were doing. Owen, unsurprisingly, was not too far behind Y/n, making him only 'freak out' more. Not much later, Owen caught Y/n and threw him over his shoulder.

"Let me go! I'm sorry, I take it back!" Y/n laughed, kicking his legs and punching Owen's back.

"Nope, I'm taking you back to your boyfriend, you're his problem now." Owen shook his head, trying to get Y/n to quit flailing his arms and legs so he could get there sooner.


"Shut the fuck up! You get her over here and I will lock you in here with them all fucking week!"

"Challenge accepted. DEELLTAAAAA"

Delta hardly reacted to the male's attempts at calling her over to help him, merely walking the other way to play fight with Echo. Y/n watched with his mouth agape, feeling 'betrayed' by her after he felt nice enough to give her a third treat that Owen does not know, nor need to know, about. He gave up on his attempts at having Owen drop him and just accepted that he had to go to lab now.

A good 8 minutes of walking, or Owen walking, later and they were finally in the lab and he let Y/n down.

"Alright, go, you're not my problem anymore." Owen shoved Y/n in the direction of Henry's lab.

"Hey! I'm not an animal, calm your ass down bro." Y/n rolled his eyes, making his way to the door, flipping Owen off before going inside.

"How was your first week back to the raptors?" Henry asked, not moving from his work in any way.

"Alright, Owen was being a whore though." Y/n chuckled, taking his usual seat on Henry's desk, even though he wasn't currently there "What're you working on now?"

"More DNA stuff, you wouldn't understand too much of it, especially with the limited information I could give you."

"Hm, okay."

Y/n decided not to push any further and pulled out his journal, scribbling down some stuff before making random doodles of the raptors in a corner. Henry eventually walked over to his desk and stood between Y/n's legs, receiving a kiss on the cheek.

"You hungry?" Y/n asked, ruffling Henry's hair a bit.

"Kinda, why?" Henry answered, a bit sceptical.

"I dunno, I'm hungry so I was gonna go make something. Want anything?"

"Sure, what were you gonna make?"

"Let's find out."

The two went back to the living quarters, talking about random shit on the way there. Once there, Y/n didn't bother taking anything off or setting anything down, just went straight to the fridge to look for something to cook or some sort of ingredients.

"Alright uhmm... How about eggs?" Y/n asked, closing the fridge a bit to look over at Henry, who was in the middle of changing out of his lab uniform.

"Uh, sure, go for it." Henry nodded, not really noticing Y/n's gaze.

"Alright, and you dont care if i just make scrambled eggs, right?"

"You know I don't care what you make, you're the one cooking so you get the choice."

"Well I just wanna make sure."

Y/n grabbed the egg carton from the fridge and set it on the counter, grabbing a pan too.

(Uhm monkey skip bc I'm too lazy to write him actually cooking and them eating 😵‍💫)

"Thank you, love." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's cheek.

"It's no big deal, I was hungry anyways and I do it all the time." Y/n shrugged reaching to pick up Henry's plate but was stopped.

"No, I'm gonna wash them."

"Henry, you don't have to. I know you haven't been having the easiest time at work, just let me do it."

"No, you're the one who cooked, I'm the one who's gonna wash the dishes, we have this conversation everytime."

Y/n sighed, deciding to not argue over it. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Henry's waist while he waited. A few minutes later, he was done.

"Alright, you ready for bed?" Henry asked, turning around to wrap his arms around Y/n.

"Maaaybeee.." Y/n smiled, walking over to the bed and changing.

"You're such an idiot, you know that?"

"Yeah, but I'm your idiot."


Uhm excuse me wtf are you doing in my house


Hope yall enjoyed, ik the title and chapter were pretty different, motivation/ideas are literally gone and the goofy monkey thoughts are coming in so yk 🤭

but uh, hope yall have a wonderful day/night =)

-Jupiter? 💜

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