C ~ XXXII ~ Movie Night 📼💿

19 1 22

Word Count: 884

POV (point of view): Third person


"Owen, move, you're taking up the whole damn couch!" Claire groaned, trying to shove Owen to the floor.

"My house, my couch." Owen shrugged, not having to really try to keep Claire from shoving him.

"Yeah well would you be so kind as to let your guests sit on said couch with you so we can watch this damn movie." Y/n crossed his arms, still trying to figure out how to work Owen's TV without breaking anything.

"Fine. Only because I want this bitch to quit shoving me."

"Thank you."

Henry stood awkwardly next to the TV, not sure if he should sit down and wait for Y/n there or just wait for his boyfriend next to him. Once Y/n finally figured it out, with some of Owen's guidance, he put the DVD in and got up to sit down on the couch; Henry immediately following behind him. He sat down next to Claire so Henry didn't have to be next to them and deal with their bickering.

"You got the remote?" Y/n asked, leaning forward slightly to look at Owen.

"Yup, still can't believe you guys are making me watch The Land Before Time." Owen chuckled, pressing the play option on the menu.

"Hey, it's a good movie, especially this one."

The two stopped talking once it began playing, Y/n cuddling up to Henry who, gladly accepted it, resting his head ontop of Y/n's. Owen complained as the movie was beginning but Claire hushed him and got comfortable, earning a glare from Owen.

About half way through the movie, Claire and Owen started shoving each other again because he was 'taking up too much space' and ended up dropping the popcorn bowl. They both instantly started blaming each other until Y/n reached for the remote and paused the movie.

"Can you two quit acting like children? If it's that much of an issue me and Henry can sit between you guys. Also, because you guys won't stop it, go make more popcorn while I clean this mess up." Y/n yelled at the two, groaning slightly as he stood up from the couch.

"Yes sir.." Owen mumbled, being elbowed by Claire for the comment.

"You know, for how in love they are, they're really a horrible pair." Henry chuckled, moving to help Y/n.

"That's the issue, it's mostly because they don't want to admit their feelings so they just turn those feelings into 'anger' or 'rude teasing' and then situations like that happen.." Y/n shook his head, finally finishing cleaning up.

"It happens, hopefully not for much longer though."

"Mhm, sit down, I'll go deal with them."

"Don't be too harsh."

"I'll think about it."

Y/n smiled before walking away, Henry deciding to oblige and sit down on the couch where he was before. When Y/n walked into the kitchen, the two were quietly yelling at each other, whisper yelling pretty much. He chuckled at the sight but decided to try and get them to quit.

"How's the popcorn coming along?" Y/n asked, crossing his arms.

"Hm? Oh shit!-" Owen yelled, quickly getting the popcorn before it burned.

"You fucking idiot!" Claire scoffed, smacking the back of Owen's head.

"Oh don't even start, you're the one who started yelling at me first!"


The two instantly shut up and stared at Y/n with wide eyes. His face displayed his disappointment, along with the stance– the stupid ass dad stance.

"Just admit you two like each other so you'll stop fighting! It's annoying!" He grumbled, leaving the kitchen and returning to sit next to Henry who shared the same expression as the other two.

Not long after, the two came back into the living room with the new bowl of popcorn and sat in their original spots, un-pausing the movie. Y/n went back to his original position on/next to Henry, cuddling up to him and eventually grabbing one of his hands to hold it. Henry was completely focused on Y/n at this point, just staring at his head with a smile on his face.

Before he even realized it, or any of them actually, the movie had ended. They had a small conversation before Henry and Y/n decided to leave first, Y/n secretly hoping the reason Claire hadn't left yet was because they were going to talk about what had happened (They're probably gonna do more than just talk ifykyk 💀💀).

The two walked back to the living quarters in silence, just enjoying each other's company. When they got back, they got out of their clothes and lied down on the bed.

"That was certainly something." Henry smiled, turning his head to face Y/n.

"Mhm, I'm just glad to he back here. With you." Y/n sighed, rolling over to cuddle Henry.

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you more."

"Don't even start that."



sorry uh anyways, hopefully that wasn't too bad, ik it was a bit shorter that what I've been wanted to write/have been writing.

Hope yall enjoyed and that yall have a great day/night!

-Jupiter? =)

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now