C ~ XI ~ Gifts 🎁

79 2 43

Word Count: 1294

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name.

I give up on adding Images at the top so uhm sorry-

June 17th, 2012

Y/n sat on one of the walk ways, using a wood carving knife that Owen had given him as a gift to carve something with it- as Owen did his regular training with the Raptors, Almost succeeding everytime but not being able to towards the end.

Owen sighed and leaned against the railing, looking down upon the Raptor pen. Y/n gazed over to where Owen was standing, setting down the block of wood, along with the knife- down before standing up.

"Don't stress yourself over it, Owen. It takes time, and it takes practice." Y/n sighed, walking over to Owen and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know, I know.. I just wish it were easier to do!" Owen groaned, walking past Y/n and going down the stairs.

"It'll get better." Y/n smiled, sitting back down and picking up the wood he was carving.

"Are you saying that to make me feel better or do you actually mean it?" Owen rolled his eyes, walking back up the stairs after setting the bucket he was holding- down.

"Both." Y/n hummed, still carving the wood, moving his gaze from it to Owen.

"You know, you should pay more attention to what you're doing than having a conversation and looking around." Owen sat next to Y/n, examining what he was making.

"Eh, I'll be fine. I've been doing this for a couple years now." Y/n moved his hand with the wood in it a bit away from where it originally was, examining it as well.

"What're you even making?" Owen asked, readjusting himself and looking over his shoulder.

"A gift, for.. someone." Y/n sighed, setting the wood down.

"For Henry?" Owen raised an eyebrow, turning around to look at Y/n.

"Mhm.. I think I'm gonna make it necklace, like once it's carved out fully, put it on the string and you know, give it to him." Y/n shrugged, looking out at the horizon. The sun hadn't fully set but it was on that path.

"That's nice. You're doing pretty good so far." Owen smiled, patting Y/n on the back before standing up.

"I try." Y/n sighed, grabbing his bag and putting the wood and knife into the bag.

"Like I said, you're doing good. Also, thank you for the help." Owen leaned against the railing once more.

"Anytime." Y/n smiled, standing up and putting his bag over his shoulder.

"We should probably split now. It's getting late.." Owen sighed, looking at his watch.

"Yeah.. I'll see you tomorrow." Y/n headed the opposite way Owen did, waving before he continued walking.

Once Y/n finally got back to his living quarters, he unlocked the door and walked in. He hadn't noticed Henry yet, who was sitting on the bed- reading a book

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