☆ C ~ XXX ~ Favorite Places 🍻🌃

26 3 41

Word Count: 1700

POV (point of view): Third person



July 9, 2013

"UNOO!!" Y/n cheered, throwing down a green skip.

"I HATE HOW FUCKING GOOD AT THIS GAME YOU ARE!" Owen groaned, glaring at Y/n who merely ignored him.

"You two shut the fuck up! People are staring at us and we're gonna get kicked out if you guys don't hush!" Barry muttered, not being heard by Y/n or Owen.

"Uno!" Claire smiled, not being as loud as the two men across her.

Y/n stared at her with wide-eyes as she put down a +4 before realizing it was going to Barry. Owen tried not to laugh, over almost something completely random that wasn't even happening in the bar, receiving yet another weird look from Y/n.

"What's so funny, huh?" Y/n asked, mocking Owen slightly.

"Don't- Just shut up!-" Owen covered his mouth before bursting into a laughing fit, similar to one Claire would have.

Speaking of Claire, the alcohol was finally getting to her and Owen's laughing seemed to have triggered hers. Almost without missing a beat, she began laughing as well, that being almost the only thing heard in the bar besides whatever music they had playing, only making more people look at them.

"God you guys are embarrassing.." Henry shook his head, putting down a random blue card just to rid cards, and the others didn't seem to notice so far.

"Glad we can agree on that." Barry nodded at him, shaking his head almost immediately after as Y/n started laughing a bit.

"These three are literally the perfect recipe for disaster, it's a pain to deal with."

"Tell me about it-"

If all eyes weren't on them before, they definitely were now. Owen had been laughing so hard that he had fallen out of his chair and dragged Y/n with him, making an even louder noise. But that didn't stop the laughing fit, if anything it only made it worse. Barry and Henry groaned almost in unison and Claire started hitting the table as she was laughing, literally almost crying at this point.

"Alright, time to go you fucking hyenas." Barry stood up, pulling Owen and Y/n up from the floor, only for them to almost fall right back down.

Henry got up to grab Y/n so it wouldn't be as difficult for Barry to deal with the group as he got Claire out of her seat.

"I got the cards, see you later." Henry smiled, heading the opposite way of Barry as they left the bar.

"God we are so dumb!" Y/n only seemed to laugh harder, if that had even been possible for how hard he'd already been laughing.

"Yeah, you kinda are."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"No no no, you're not listening to me. I love you."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time. I love you too."

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now