SC ~ I ~ Happy Birthday! 🎉🎂

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Aight, so, this was a request from EERORAZRA, someone who frequently comments on the main chapters or just literally every chapter I publish.

Anyways, pretty much what they requested was: It's Henry's birthday and he thinks everyone forgot but later/at the end, they throw a suprise party for him.

I literally spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what/when his birthday was and eventually found a website that said it was November 28th? I haven't seen anything else on literally every other website but I'll just be using that one for this since, like I've stated, I cannot find any other date or confirmation for this-

This also is gonna be a bit different from my normal writing, I'm gonna be having a few different POVs throughout this chapter but I'll make sure to make that clear so yall aren't like "Wait, wtf-" while reading a switched POV lmao.

Sorry this took so long to get out, I kept getting caught up in other stuff and didn't have much time for myself or this but seeing as I'm uploading this on New Years (Dec 31st), I just wanna say Happy New Years, I appreciate all of you so much, I wouldn't be at this point without you guys. Hope you all have an amazing New Year's, hoping 2023 will be a better year for everyone.

Word Count: 2094


November 26th-28th, 2013

November 26th, 2013

Y/n's POV:

"Okay, so, we're all here, right?" I asked, looking around the small room.

"I believe so- wait nevermind, we're missing Owen." Claire nodded before rolling her eyes at Owen's absence.

"He's always late, you should know this by now!" Barry chuckled, folding his arms over his chest as the door opens.

"Speak of the devil.." Claire scoffed, all three turning to look at Owen as he froze in the doorway.

"What? I had to do something. I'm only like... 10 minutes late?" Owen looked at his watch before waving his hand and moving to stand next to Claire (ooooo we got another simp 😏).

"Okay, whatever- So, you all know what we're doing right?" I looked between the three infront of me, unable to hide the grin that made its way onto my face.

"Mhm, some birthday thing for the grumpy scientist that you're madly inlove with- OW-" Owen nodded before being jabbed in the ribs by Claire, who also just glared at him.

"Yeah, sure, close enough." I chuckled at his comment. "I would say that seeing as it's supposed to be a suprise that you guys don't say anything about it but seeing as like none of you really talk to him anymore, I don't think that'll be an issue."

"If anything, it's you and your big mouth we have to worry about." Owen shrugged, getting another smack from Claire for his comments.

"Actually you make a fair point, ANYWAYS, we'll have to work on it the day of his birthday, seeing as when Henry isn't at the lab he's most times here, which was the place I had planned that we set up for the thing." I rambled slightly.

(Dude I had a stroke while writing this part, sorry 😭😭)

"Okay so what was the reason we decided to talk about it today?-" Owen asked, receiving another smack before moving to Barry's side so Claire couldn't hit him again.

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