C ~ XXVI ~ Weather 🌧☔️

30 0 20

Word Count: 982

POV (point of view): Third person

Alright so, I had to change the original idea for this because I literally forgot how hot it is there so uhm, this is gonna be changed to like the dumbass storms going on here in the US rn and uh it's gonna snow/rain in this instead of killing everyone with sun =P

May 7th, 2013

Once it had finally turned 16:30, Y/n happily took the opportunity to leave the infirmary. Since Owen was having Barry help him with the raptors for the month, Y/n was being put on nursing duties.

Meaning, whenever he wasn't done with work or wasn't in the lab, he was stuck taking care of sick/injured creatures at the park, and on the rare occasion- people. He didn't mind it, he actually liked working with the dinosaurs more than anything, it was just a bit overwhelming for him.

Whenever he was dealing with an injured dino, he had a fear of screwing up and making it worse. It hadn't happened in the whole week he'd been doing it, but he still feared it would happen.

"Honey, it's fine. I've seen you deal with injuries for them before, the only way you'll get messed up is if the thing dies on its own accord or if someone literally ran into you. You get extremely focused too, so it's fine." Henry reassured Y/n, wrapping his arms around his waist and squeezing him slightly.

"But what if I do mess up?" Y/n sighed, moving stuff off the counter.

"I'm 100% sure you won't. And if you do, I highly doubt it'll kill the things, maybe they wouldn't even notice it." Henry kissed Y/n's neck, squeezing him a bit tighter.

"I don't know..I mean I'm kinda happy to be away from the raptors for health reasons and happy to be helping the dinosaurs but I just.." Y/n mumbled, being shut up by Henry spinning him around and kissing him.

"Stop. It's going to be fine. If it gets too much for you, I can request that you just work with me full time until Owen is done soloing with Barry." Henry kissed Y/n's cheek, earning a slight smile and a sigh. "And besides, I think you're gonna like working inside for now. I took a look at the weather forecast for this week and it's supposed to rain. All. Week. Nonstop."

"Really? I actually kinda like the rain, it's pretty uncommon here too." Y/n moved his hands to hold Henry's face, who nearly melted at the action.

"Mm... Oh, I finished with the DNA you asked for, it should be officially 'done' by next month, maybe a bit longer." Henry smiled, moving his hands to hold Y/n's in place.

"Can't wait, thanks again." Y/n mimicked the smile, glancing at the window for a moment.

After a few moments, his gaze didn't leave the window, making Henry a bit confused as to why. But, when he looked for himself, he instantly knew why.

The sky had turned into a dark blue-purple color and light rain could be seen hitting the windows. Y/n let go of Henry's face and rushed to grab his bag, along with whatever Henry planned on brining back to the living quarters, or whatever was set in a small pile on the far side of his desk, near where Y/n normally sits. He walked back over after stuffing Henry's stuff into Y/n's bag and grabbed his hand, leaving the lab.

"Ready?" Y/n smiled, getting a confused look from Henry along with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

And without warning, Y/n ran out into the main bit of the park and held onto Henry's hand tightly, practically dragging him with. The two, or Y/n dragging Henry, headed directly for the living quarters in a bit of a sprint, being a bit cautious as to not slip though.

After about 6 minutes later, and a few falls, they finally reached the area they wanted and quickly went inside, groaning at the same time once the door was shut.

"Didn't you say it was for LATER in the week?" Y/n panted, untying his boots.

"Hey, it's what the forecast said, and nature can do as it pleases." Henry stripped out of his soaked clothing, quickly changing into something more comfortable. (Bro auto correct had to be used on EVERY WORD in this line, or I had to retype it 😭)

"You say that yet decided to participate in brining back extinct creatures that were CHOSEN for extinction?" Y/n smirked, mimicking what Henry was in the middle of doing and discarding of his wet clothing.

"Hey, I have my reasons, and besides, I'm not the one who wanted to bring them back in the first place." Henry glared at Y/n, earning an eye-roll.

"Mhm, okay" Y/n mumbled, watching Henry plop onto the bed.

"Gonna join me or not?" Henry turned his head to look at Y/n, then moved onto his side fully when Y/n began walking over to the bed.

"It's hardly 18:00 and you're already ready for bed?" Y/n chuckled, kissing the top of Henry's head before putting his ontop.

"Mhm.." Henry mumbled, already seeming to be half-asleep.

"You are such a child.. Lucky I love you, darling." Y/n smiled, closing his eyes, hearing the rain get louder and heavier by the second.



HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED, I WOULDVE HAD THIS OUT SOONER BUT I WAS SCREWING AROUND WITH WORDS (it was just me pressing the generated words at the top of my keyboard and ended up getting like 1000 Words 💀💀)


-Jupiter? 💜

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