C ~ XXII ~ Dinosaur DNA 🦖🧬

23 1 20

Word Count: 871

POV (point of view): Third person

Hi! Sorry I haven't been posting much, haven't had much motivation and I've been a little busy but since it's currently spring break for me, why not write a couple chapters for you guys =)

Also, because of the lack of motivation, this is probably gonna be a shorter chapter, maybe not, I usual don't edit the beginning things unless it's the word count 💀

December 12th, 2012

"Wait wait wait, you're asking ME if I want to make a DINOSAUR. You're not kidding right?" Y/n shook his head and smiled, staring at Henry who shared that smile.

"Yup, you get to choose which one and potentially the color, if you decide to be good, since I'll have to start working on this sometime later this week." Henry shrugged, glancing at some papers he still needed to sort out, but he decided this was way more important.

"Oh, you are getting LOADS of kisses tonight." Y/n chuckled, hopping down from the desk and moving over to stand next to Henry, who was looking at different DNA.

"Can't wait." Henry smirked, glancing at Y/n who didn't seem to notice. "So, what dinosaur do you have in mind?"

"Uhhh, do you have Spino DNA?" He asked, trying to read the labels on the trays infront of him. (I just went with Spino cuz it's one of my favorites but uh it can be any dinosaur you'd want it to be, same with the color which I also just chose a random one for-)

"Mhm, any specific reason?" Henry moved aside the rest of the trays, leaving the one Y/n assumed was the spinosaurus one.

"I dunno, there aren't really that many in the park anywhere, just the ones that were babies when I started and ended up being put in a secluded part of the Gyro valley." Y/n shrugged, backing up so Henry could do whatever he needed to.

"Exactly the reason we don't have many, alike the Tyrannosaurus, the Spinosaurus are aggressive, and therefore it's difficult to interact with them without potential danger. But, I'll make an exception just for you, sweetheart." Henry turned around with some other things and kissed Y/n's forehead before walking around him and moving back to his lab desk.

"Yup, I honestly don't blame them though. They aren't used to being around humans, seeing as we were separated by millions of years, which would also impact the way they behave, being in a different time period with almost everything being different, of course they'd be scared and aggressive. Which isn't their fault, like I'm saying, those factors, along with some others that would take too long to explain, this stuff would be making them stressed and then not really being able to go about their natural ways of life and actually hunt for the most part would affect the way they behave a lot too." Y/n rambled, following behind Henry like a Compy. (Yes, I said compy, why the hell not)

"Hell, you should be apart of the genetics team at this point." Henry chuckled, making Y/n realize he was actually listening the whole time.

"Hm, I prefer my line of work. Too quiet in here." Y/n shrugged, standing next to Henry again.

"Eh, I prefer the quiet, helps so I don't get too distracted." Henry reached over to grab a sticky note and a pen. "What color would you want it to be, if I decide to let you choose?"

"Distracted by what?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, not getting a response from Henry though "I dunno, pink or something? I think that'd look cool."

"Seriously? A Pink Spinosaurus? That's certainly an.. interesting choice.." Henry scoffed, mumbling the last bit.

"What? There's hardly any colorful dinosaurs in the park and the one relatively colorful is gonna be away from the public-eye." Y/n rolled his eyes, watching Henry write down a few things on the sticky note before setting it ontop of the tray and put it back with the rest.

"Yeah well a more natural look would be preferred from a lot of tourists." Henry mumbled again, earning a light shove from Y/n.

"Yeah but there needs to be something to break from that, something the kids would like. As much as I hate those things, sometimes it's their enjoyment that matters over some dumb adults." Y/n sat back on the desk and watched Henry at a different table working on something.

"Never thought I'd hear you saying something good about children." Henry shook his head and glanced at Y/n from where he was standing.

"Well, now you have."


Alright, once again I was kinda wrong, not that long of a chapter but then again it wasn't that short.

Uh, hopefully it was alright, I almost published this with Spinosaurus being spelt wrong 💀

Anyways, have a great day/night, love you guys =)

-Jupiter 💜

Came back to say, this chapter and a couple others weren't posting all week for some reason so I had to re-write them and I rushed to kinda get them out, so I apologize if they're kinda trashy-

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